and the One who walks with me on it.

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Spreading Infection

       Been sick since Saturday evening.  I was blessed to get in to my own doctor on Tuesday and he confirmed a bronchial infection which was causing the fevers and other issues.  Out came the script for antibiotics and I left knowing soon all would be well.  But everyone knows you are still contagious for a few days.

       At home, the standard procedure once someone is deemed sick is to put out fresh towels for everyone to use but the sick person.  Then there is a combination of isolation, careful usage of items, decontaminating things and lots of soap and hot water.  So far I’m the only one sick.  Still, I wanted to go to church tonight and Bible study tomorrow, but I don’t want to spread the infection even more than that.

       Some people might say, “Just trust God to protect them, after all you’re doing godly things.”  My Bible says to trust God but also to be wise, to think of others and treat them with loving actions.  There is nothing loving about spreading sickness.

My son, hear and be wise, and guide your heart in the way. Pr. 23:19
let each esteem others better than themselves. Do not let each man look upon his own things, but each man also on the things of others. Php. 2:3,4
You shall love your neighbor as yourself. Mt. 22:39

spreading infection...
       Jesus spoke about being wise as serpents and harmless as doves (Mt. 10:16) and even though it was for a specific occasion, the reality is- it is good advice at all times.  Serpents can be easy prey.  They’ve got to know when to blend in (hide), when to run and when to fight back.  They need to know what’s going on in their environment.  As for the doves, they seem pretty harmless to me (I’m not so sure about in reality though!)  So we should pay attention to the environment around us and seek to do no harm (like spreading infection) to others.

Oh wait… there’s more that can spread like an infection besides sickness…

          -Gossip or critical speaking of others.
          -Constant negativity.
          -Arrogance and pride.
          -Judgmental attitudes.
          -Divisive spirits.
          -Indifference to others.
          -Just about anything else.

As a courtesy to others...
       If we allow ourselves to practice walking in any of these, we take a chance in spreading infection in the body of Christ.  Lives have been destroyed over infections like these; churches split, families divided.  We should never want to be the start of such horrible things.  Instead, we should be looking in the mirror constantly to see what we need to work on, be on our knees begging for God’s mercy and help, and asking God to show us what needs to be pruned or ripped out of our own lives.  Remember, we have a choice whether or not to walk in these things or expose them for the evil infections they can be.  Only Jesus can redeem us from ourselves.

Yes Lord, help us all!