In our culture, many last names were made up using the person's father's name with son at the end: Johnson, Erickson, Grayson, Stevenson, etc., so the name started out by indicating of whom you came. It is interesting that name in the NT (3686: onoma) is used of everything which the name covers, all the thoughts, feelings aroused in the mind by mentioning, hearing, remembering the name ie for one's rank, authority, interests, pleasure, command, excellence, deeds etc. The phrase "Son of"- is used among the ancients to refer to one who has the same nature as...
Here are some of the "son of" names that Jesus called Himself (in red) or others called Him (in black). Remember, names remind us of who a person is and of whom they are like.
Son of man- Means Jesus was born within the lineage of humanity.
Mt. 9:6; 12:8; Mr. 9:31; 14:62; Lk. 9:56; 12:40; Jh. 3:13; 6:53; Ac. 7:56; Hb. 2:6; Rv. 1:13
-It was important for Jesus to be human so that He could be tempted as us (Hb. 4:15) yet without sin (2Cr. 5:21) and also understand sorrow and suffering (Is. 53:3).
Mt. 9:6; 12:8; Mr. 9:31; 14:62; Lk. 9:56; 12:40; Jh. 3:13; 6:53; Ac. 7:56; Hb. 2:6; Rv. 1:13
-It was important for Jesus to be human so that He could be tempted as us (Hb. 4:15) yet without sin (2Cr. 5:21) and also understand sorrow and suffering (Is. 53:3).
Son of David- Means Jesus is a King, a descendent of David, being an heir to his throne.Mt. 1:1; 12:23; Mr. 10:47; Lk. 18:39; Rv. 22:16
-This is important to fulfill Scripture that Jesus would be born of David's line (Is. 9:7), a kingly line (Jr. 23:5), and He would be legal heir to the throne (Ac. 2:29,30)- the eternal one God promised David (1Ch. 17:11-14).
-This is important to fulfill Scripture that Jesus would be born of David's line (Is. 9:7), a kingly line (Jr. 23:5), and He would be legal heir to the throne (Ac. 2:29,30)- the eternal one God promised David (1Ch. 17:11-14).
Son of Abraham- Means Jesus is of Jewish descent particularly from the Abraham written about in Genesis.
Lk. 19:9; (note word: also) Mt. 1:1; 12:23
-Abraham pleased God who then blessed his family line, and God promised his Seed would bless the earth. (Gn. 22:18) (also Jacob Nm. 24:17- Lk. 3:34) (also Judah Mc. 5:2- Lk. 3:34)
Lk. 19:9; (note word: also) Mt. 1:1; 12:23
-Abraham pleased God who then blessed his family line, and God promised his Seed would bless the earth. (Gn. 22:18) (also Jacob Nm. 24:17- Lk. 3:34) (also Judah Mc. 5:2- Lk. 3:34)
Son of God– Means Jesus is God just as the Father is God. Son of God, means he has the same nature as God. He was called THE Son of God, being unique one of a kind.
Jh. 9:35-37; 10:36; Rv. 2:18; Jh. 20:31; Ac. 8:37; 2Cr. 1:19; Gl. 2:20; 1Jh. 4:15
-This is very important.
God wanted people to be saved and only God can be sinless to do it.
The sacrifice had to be perfect and only God is perfect.
Only Jesus, son of man, Son of God lived a sinless life which means only His blood can cleanse our sinful selves and save us from damnation in Hell.
Only the Son of God could be the first to be raised from the dead (as a holy sacrifice) acceptable to God to make atonement.
Jh. 9:35-37; 10:36; Rv. 2:18; Jh. 20:31; Ac. 8:37; 2Cr. 1:19; Gl. 2:20; 1Jh. 4:15
-This is very important.
God wanted people to be saved and only God can be sinless to do it.
The sacrifice had to be perfect and only God is perfect.
Only Jesus, son of man, Son of God lived a sinless life which means only His blood can cleanse our sinful selves and save us from damnation in Hell.
Only the Son of God could be the first to be raised from the dead (as a holy sacrifice) acceptable to God to make atonement.
Thank You Father for making a plan of salvation, and Jesus for being all we needed You to be, and Spirit for coming to dwell in us and open our eyes to the Truth!