and the One who walks with me on it.

Friday, March 11, 2011

Bad News

On this day of bad news from abroad I offer a simple prayer:

Lord, be with every one of the people whose lives have been touched by destruction and loss of life all around the world.  Bring them comfort and love as only You know how to do, help them find their loved ones and give them wisdom to know the next steps they need to take.  Send in labourers to show them the good news of Jesus Christ available to all mankind.

Thank You for always waiting for us with open arms.  Amen

Thursday, March 10, 2011

The Choice

       It was by the end of my typical morning rush of kids, breakfast, driving and exercising.  I walked into the kitchen, my tummy rumbling with hunger, and I noticed dirty dishes still stacked on the counter from yesterday when I wasn’t home, recycling that needed to be dealt with, a mess on the dining table that needed clearing, and I realized I had spent no quality time with the Lord yet.  Today, my choice was based on a different rumbling in me, namely hunger in my spirit; so I turned and went into the living room with my Bible.  After that, I stopped hearing the rumbling in my stomach.

       Later, I was thinking about that choice I made this morning.  Some would think it makes me sound so spiritual, but in reality it was just one right choice I made in a long day of choices that I would need to make.  Still, how many times do I make a different choice, one to feed my own selfish pleasures with t.v., games, food, sports, computers, drink, shopping, friends, etc. or to follow my own plans and schedule without even consulting the Lord?  How many times are my first thoughts towards myself?  Add to that the guilt I feel when I make those selfish choices as often as I do.

       BUT… that’s not the way we are suppose to live.  Jesus came to give abundant life, not life filled with regret and guilt.  When we have made a poor choice, we can find forgiveness in Jesus Christ- 1 John 1:9.  Then when the next choice comes up and we hear that little voice inside of us saying, “Why bother!  What’s one right decision gonna do for you?  It’s only one decision.  Just give it up.!  Don’t bother trying!” we can remember we are forgiven.  The most important choice we can make at that point is to ignore the voice.

       One step at a time, one choice at a time; let us not think we need to be perfect right off the bat.  We should realize we are ‘being perfected’ by the One who is perfect- 2 Cor. .  We all ought to keep trying until we ‘get it right’, and not look back at our past choices- Luke 9:62.  And step by step perhaps the scale will tip heavier on the ‘good choices’ side.

       Lord, You say, “…seek ye first the kingdom of God…”- Matt. .  Help us all to seek You first in every choice, and failing that, remind us to never give up trying.

Tuesday, March 08, 2011

My Daughter's Cry

Her dark curly hair framed her tiny chubby cheeks as she stood in front of my chair staring up at me; so beautiful but far too young to be standing; then again, my precocious daughter always had to be early at everything!  Her big brown eyes flashed up at me, and the angry cry that came from her mouth let me know she was NOT happy.  Since I knew it wasn’t hunger or a wet diaper annoying her, as they had already been dealt with, there was only one thing left…

She wanted to walk.  (Ugh, not again, I thought covering up my reluctance with a smile!)

Amy had decided to forego crawling in favour of a speedier form of transportation- namely walking.  The problem was that she wasn’t quite ready to do it all on her own.  We parents were required to assist.  I turned her around, put out my two index fingers (which she hurriedly grasped) and stood hunched over to help.  Off to the races we went to get whatever it was she thought she needed, or just to look around with her curious persona.

Amy had found a way around her predicament of being unable to walk on her own.  She knew she could count on us for both strength and support, and trust us to keep her safe as she traveled on her journey of discovery.  We were there for her every step along the way.  (Eventually, she did learn to walk unassisted, and our backs were able to finally rest, J  but that was still weeks away.)

I still remember her cry for help; it’s the same one I utilize with my Father.  I don’t want to walk this journey alone.  I am not ready, nor do I ever want to be ready to walk this path without Him.  You see, when I am weak, He is strong, He is my Fortress and High Tower; I can lean on Him and trust Him to keep me safe* in this life that can be filled with treacherous terrain. 

Father, may we never think ourselves old enough to walk it on our own.  Help us to grasp tightly on to Your hands and never let them go.  Help us to walk with You, trusting in You to take care of us.  Remind us to ask for Your help when we need it.  Don’t let us go.  Please don’t ever let us go.

Lord, I’m holding on now…       so let’s go!

*Nahum 1:7- The Lord is good, a stronghold in the day of trouble; and He knows those who trust in Him.  NKJ
Ps. 144:2- My goodness, and my fortress; my high tower, and my deliverer; my shield, and he in whom I trust;…  KJV

Sunday, March 06, 2011

After the snow storm

       I really do love the snow- just not the cold weather that comes along with it.  Give me sunshine and warmth with snow falling only on the earth (not the sidewalks or roads) and winter would just about be perfect! J  I mean, God CAN do miracles, can’t He? 

One of the things I like best about the winter, besides tobogganing, is trees barren of leaves.  They are each so unique with branches reaching out in different directions twisting and turning in the sky.  Often after a snow storm I love to walk around (or drive if it’s really cold) and look at the snowfall on the trees.  It makes for interesting photos.

       Today I was noticing many trees had snow running all up the same northern side.  It kind of got me thinking about us, how after many snow storms of life (trials) we end up with part of us being left covered.  We frequently keep these parts sheltered because we don’t want to expose our vulnerabilities again.  So we keep that snow covering us facing north to avoid it melting and exposing us.  Not really the best way to enjoy life.

       Of course there could have been snow on the south side of the trees this morning, but with the sun shining brightly, it all quickly melted away before I got the chance to see it.  Seems to me any time we face the Son, He is able to do a work in us melting away the stuff sticking to us that shouldn’t be there. 

       Sometimes, for me, exposing my protected side to the Son is difficult because I’m uncertain what will happen next (can you say fear of the unknown…), but step by step I am learning deep in my heart that He can be trusted to protect all my sides; that no matter what is exposed, He brings healing, fills me with His love, and His peace* even while storms are raging around me.

And I find as my journey progresses that trusting in Him is what helps me enjoy this life.

* (using TLB)
Ps. 147:3 - He heals the brokenhearted, binding up their wounds.
Rom. – Who then can ever keep Christ’s love from us?  v.38a For I am convinced that nothing can ever separate us from his love.
Philip. 4:7 - (verse 6 is about trusting God) If you do this you will experience God’s peace, which is far more wonderful than the human mind can understand.  His peace will keep your thoughts and your hearts quiet and at rest as you trust in Christ Jesus.