and the One who walks with me on it.

Friday, December 09, 2011

Mid-Week Service

       Whatever happened to mid week service?  Why did it ‘die out’?  In my teen years right up until my early thirties, I could count on going to church services Sunday morning (sometimes Sunday night as well) and once on Wednesday evening.  It was like a mid-week pick up and helped me get through the week.  Nowadays they have mid-week Bible studies or home groups.  While I have no problem with either of those, they (for the most part) lack one important thing to me: the celebration and worship of my King in conjunction with other believers.

       Now, there are plenty of opportunities to study my Bible, at home on my own and several at church as well.  There are also many home groups that meet where there is Bible study, prayer and fellowship which are all vitally important.  But still, I’ve yet to see a place to go where those who want to celebrate out Lord together can go for that mid-week pick up.*  I even went through the internet and phone book, wrote out a page of churches with phone numbers, and called them all.

       Out of all the ones who answered the phone (many didn’t answer or have answering machines) they all said either they didn’t have anything offered, or they had Bible studies and home groups.  So, where’s a girl to go?  I will continue to try the unanswered calls, and I’m going to keep looking and asking, so hopefully I will find one place in this city of over 300,000 where there is an actual mid-week service.

       Really, I’d just like to get together with other Christians to worship our King.  I’m not asking for much; the apostles/disciples got together daily in the Temple and met in homes every day often sharing communion, (Acts 5:42; 2:46) and I’m only asking for one night mid-week.  Oh how I miss it!

*There is one church that has an actual service on Fridays which is a really bad day for me- and not good for a mid-week pick up anyway!