and the One who walks with me on it.

Thursday, December 08, 2011

Life is precious.

       My brain is in a fog so bad today that I can’t even think to write- nothing is forming focused thought.  Earlier, I heard about a young lady who passed away while speaking to her mom by cell during the last moments of her life.  Life is precious, and we all need to value it.  It isn’t always easy- sometimes it never is- it is filled with great pain and sorrow, but it also has moments of overwhelming love and joy.

       We see horrible acts of cruelty, oppression and dishonesty at the hands of some, but we also see others giving of their time, effort, love, personal things, money, to give to those with deeper needs.  Some even put their own lives in jeopardy to save other’s lives.  Life is full of… well… life!  And you and I will make of it what we choose to.  You see, those in poor countries understand: it doesn’t matter what you have or don’t have, or what circumstances are happening around you, life is meant to be lived as fully as you can and it’s the people around you that are the real treasures of life.

Life is precious.