and the One who walks with me on it.

Monday, May 12, 2014

Major Freak Out

       On May 6th I wrote a post about my new camera I bought after years saving for it.  I’ve been having fun (with some frustrations in learning) taking pictures I couldn’t successfully take with my old camera.  Well, it finally needed to be recharged today, so I pulled out the usb cord, attached it to the camera and then to the surge protector’s USB charging port.  The charge light started blinking like it should, I waited 3 hours and the charge light was off as it should be, so I took it off the protector, pulled the cable off and turned on the camera.  Nothing. 

       Pressed the button again.  Nothing.  “Relax, this will be okay…”  Tried a few things each time attempting to turn on the camera and nothing happened.  Freaking out!  Can I still return it if it’s broken?  What do I do?  Breathe slowly…  Wait, check the manual.  Troubleshoot menu- not helpful.  Charging info- oh yes, this thing has an AC adapter that you can plug the USB cord into.  USB cord back in, plug into AC adapter, then into surge protector.  Three hours later the camera is actually charged and able to be turned on.  Big PHEW!

       My memory doesn’t always bring back the information to figure out what I need to do about a problem.  Sometimes I need to review the manuals to get the knowledge I need.  Just like when I experience problems in my life.  What do I do about them?  Do I run to my friends and family for advice?  Do I pull out the reference books on that particular issue?  Do I go online and search out answers?  What do I do first?

       When it’s an emotional issue it’s the Bible I run to for comfort, but not always for the helpful knowledge on particular problems.  I don’t know why that is, but it’s probably the same reason I take painkillers for pain before praying about it.  Habit.  There are over 80 different knowledge topics (about life) that we can find information on in the Bible.  For example, about panic (freak out) we can find Scriptures that may help us: Ps. 34:4; 2Tm. 1:7; Pr. 3:5,6; Php. 4:6,7.

       Of course, who remembers all the different Scriptures for each topic: certainly not me?  That’s where a search engine comes in- try “Scriptures panic” and up comes 1,630,000 pages of information.  Check out a few, get some verses, and look them up in your own Bible.  Perhaps some of these verses could have helped me earlier…  Why?

Your Word is a lamp to my feet, and a light to my path. Ps. 119:105
The heart of the prudent gets knowledge, and the ear of the wise seeks knowledge. Pr. 18:15
The entrance of Your Words gives light; it gives understanding to the simple. Ps. 119:130
Let the Word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom… Cl. 3:16
My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge. Hs. 4:6

       The Word of God, the Bible is our manual to help us know God and live life.  From it we can gain much helpful advice on how to live our lives and what to do about the problems that crop up.  There is knowledge (facts, information, skills), understanding (meaning, principles and reason from the knowledge) and wisdom (what to do next, application to life, actions to take from the understanding of the knowledge).

       Eventually I hope to master my camera and not need to return to the manual.  I don’t think the Bible can ever be fully understood by our finite human minds.  Thirty plus years later and I still increase knowledge and understanding every day- which helps me on my journey.  For me though, the most exciting bits are the ones that help me know my Loves- Father, Jesus and Spirit, all the more.  Lord, I am so thankful for Your Word that brings Life.

(Jesus said)
It is the Spirit that makes alive, the flesh profits nothing.
The words that I speak to you are spirit and are life.
Jh. 6:63

Father, please help me remember to go to You and the Word first!