and the One who walks with me on it.

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Five Friends- A Story

       Five boys were neighbors in a subdivision of the small town of Jof.  They were friends since they were 4 yrs old, and did everything together: played soccer, learned to swim, went fishing, celebrated holidays, and spent hours together in their back yards on overnight adventures many times over the years.  All five became teens around the same time, found girlfriends then decent jobs, got married, and started families.  About three decades after their friendships began, they still lived fairly close and spent as many social hours together as their busy lives allowed.

       The five of them sat around a bonfire late one night laughing over memories of their youth when suddenly one of them-Sam- started twitching.  Thinking it was a joke, the others started teasing him until he fell onto the cold, hard ground violently shaking.  They called 911 for an ambulance, and spent the rest of the night in the hospital with his wife waiting to find out what was wrong with their buddy.

       They made phone calls, prayed, told stories about Sam but the worry lines were etched on their faces.  Hours later the doctor told them it was bad; Sam had unexplainable paralysis from the neck down.  At first everyone seemed hopeful that the problem would resolve itself somehow, but days turned to weeks then years and there seemed no hope.  Four buddies watched as their best friend struggled in life and his body wasted away.  Nothing would ever be the same again.

       It was ten years later one of the men read in a paper about a ‘faith healer’ coming to a town hours away.  They discussed, debated and then decided to do more investigation.  After a few days and having heard several testimonies about this ‘healer’ from people who saw or experienced healings, the men made plans for a road trip believing this to be Sam’s only hope.  On the day of the meeting, they loaded up him in the van, drove the three hours stopping often for their friend, and got to the meeting only to find the line-ups beyond measure, and this was six hours before the doors would open!  There was no way they would get in.

       The men carried Sam into the nearest diner to figure things out and came up with a plan.  Patiently they waited until the doors were open, the people went in until no more were allowed, and everyone else left.  After checking every door and window latch, two of them took opposing sides and ran around the building to return with good news- there was a fire-escape.  The friends carried Sam, some rope, tools and a cot up to the roof; they used hammers and crowbars to open up a wide hole in the roof and lowered Sam down on a cot to the stage where the ‘healer’ was.  This was one time they didn’t care if they got into trouble- as long as Sam was healed!
       The ‘faith healer’ said to Sam, “Your sins are forgiven.”  All four wondered what this meant, but several in the audience were upset at the words, and so he said, “Arise, pick up your cot and go home.”  Sam got up as if he’d never been paralyzed and raced outside to see his friends where they all rejoiced at God’s healing.

       *       *       *

       By now you realize this story is really one from the Bible, simply altered for our times as I was considering how it would have happened 21st century like. 
                    (Mt. 9:1-7; Mr. 2:1-12; Lk. 5:18-25) 
The ‘faith healer’ was really Jesus who went around teaching and healing wherever He went.  His fame spread and multitudes sought Him out for healing (Lk. 5:15).  The faith of the four (unnamed) friends touched the Lord and He healed the paralyzed man.

       Today I have to wonder how far friends or family would go for someone who was sick, although in this case we can only assume there was a relationship of some kind.  Those four men put themselves and their reputations on the line for someone else.  Would we do the same?  Would we consider the same effort they took in bringing our loved one to a faith healer?  Many don’t even believe miracles are for today.  Even if we did, where would we find the ‘faith healers’ of today?  What do we do with this scripture below?

Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me (Jesus), the works (deeds) that I do shall he do also; and greater (in number) works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father.
And whatsoever ye shall ask in my name, that will I do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son. If ye shall ask any thing in my name, I will do it.  Jh. 14:12-14

Just what do we believe?