and the One who walks with me on it.

Saturday, September 05, 2015


     We just finished watching a movie on black slavery in the US and I ponder once again why more white people didn’t stand up against slavery (or for black equality) as well as why the slaves didn’t rise up, overpower and kill their owners.

     Then I think: why don’t Christians today stand up for what is wrong in society? They are taking away our rights one at a time and we remain silent, allowing it to happen. No prayer in schools, no nativity scenes on government property, no Bibles given in schools, no crosses on jewelry worn by government workers in Quebec. Abortion has a decreasing amount of people being vocal about it. Open sinful behavior of politicians is not rebuked or even seen as sin…

Why don’t we stand up for what is right? Are we that fearful?

     As for why the slaves didn’t rise up, I suppose they were afraid for their lives especially since they had no guns like the owners. Of course it didn’t help that they had no education and were kept down physically, overworked and treated as less than dogs. Maybe after years of horrible treatment, they even believed some of the dung thrown at them. Running often meant severe beatings, loss of limbs, and sometimes death to scare the others into submission.

     How many Christians today are still living in the devil’s kingdom never being free, not really believing they can escape the bondage of the world and live free? “..Whoever practices sin is the slave of sin.(Jh. 8:34) The devil and the world tears them down until they believe the lies. Lack of education, being beaten down (feeling powerless), leaves them believing the lies of the devil/ world (Jh. 8:44). Why are so many living this way? Why do we not fight back and take what Jesus made available to us--- abundant life.

The thief does not come except to steal and to kill and to destroy. I have come so that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly. Jh. 10:10

     Are you living in abundant life? Really? Abundant life doesn’t mean all goes well, you have enough money you don’t need to worry, and your health is good. Actually, my live goes wrong more often than right, we always need to live frugally, and my health is problematic. Yet I live with joy, peace and feel satisfied most every day of my life. How is that possible? God.

     God is the giver of good in our lives and He is so good to me. “Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above and comes down from the Father…” (Jm. 1:17) My life is great in all the areas that count- with Him. I am never alone. I feel fully satisfied. It all started when I became desperate, finally gave up control of my life to him and pressed in closer to Him- and I was already a Christian! His plans for me have become my desires, and His dreams for me are beyond anything I could imagine. Every day is new and exciting.

     The good news is I am not more special than any other Christian. What God does for me, He can do for you. Are you willing to give up control and press in? Get to know God- He wants to be known by you…

Go to the source for knowledge of God: the Bible, the prayer room.

My people are destroyed for lack of knowledgeof God (v.1) 
Hs. 4:6
And Jehovah would speak to Mosesas a man speaks to his friend... 
Ex. 33:11