many times I return the third chapter of Genesis and ponder its meaning in
life. I am certain that if any of us had
been the first man or woman, we would have made the same terrible mistake. The most amazing part of that chapter to me
though is not the deception, the fall, the curse, the forgiveness, or the first
indication of salvation through Jesus but rather this simple part, “…they
heard the voice of Jehovah God walking in the garden in the cool of the day… And
Jehovah God called to Adam and said to him, Where are
you?” (Gn. 3:8,9) Adam and Eve had
sinned, God already knew before they did it that they would for He is
omniscient (all-knowing) (Ac. 1:24 ; 1Jh.
3:20 ; Is. 46:9,10; 1Kn. 8:39 )
Adam and Eve were not shocked at the
arrival of God thus it had occurred before.
They were not freaked out by hearing His voice thus they were used to
that as well. I can only imagine how
cool it would be to walk with Jehovah God outside in the cool of the day, to
see Him face to face and speak as friends who finally get to be together after
much time. That is my greatest personal
What I think is funny is when God, who
knows all, says to Adam, “Where are you?”
As if He didn’t know! As if He
didn’t know what happened! As if He
didn’t know Adam’s very heart, thoughts and actions… It’s like my mom calling to me after I broke
something and was hiding as a child, feeling shame… But God knew…
He always knows!
Where are you Vicky?
You know where I am God, still
here. I was broken- with health issues,
my mom’s health issues, my adult children’s choices, their struggles, and so
many difficult trials that occurred the end of last year. This time I didn’t get angry at You for it, but
I did go into hiding, not out of fear of You seeing me in my state, but of the
deep feelings I often experience in Your presence and not wanting to face
them. You understood. You stayed with me all the way. You held me in my sadness and reminded me of
Your great love for me all without pushing me to enter in where I wasn’t ready
to go. You waited patiently for me to
Where are you Vicky?
I am here; ready to start again in the
new reality with which I am faced. I’m
not hiding anymore, not even from those deep feelings. And somewhere during this time I have realized
that all my trust must be placed in You for only You can redeem our bodies, my
relationships, and stir my family to know You.
You are infinitely patient and I am proof of that. You are truly good even when we don’t believe
it. You, Jehovah God, are everything we
need and more important than breath or mortal life. I am forever grateful that You are my Father.
Where are you Vicky?
I am here now.
Present… with You.