and the One who walks with me on it.

Thursday, May 29, 2014

Prayer for the people

Precious Father,

    Hear this prayer for all the people of this world.  Struggles are increasing; it seems pain is becoming difficult in everyone's life.  Diseases are spreading like a wildfire and suffering has become commonplace.   Persecution and death for your name sake are happening, though in other countries.  We need You.  We need more of You in our lives.  We need Your strength and boldness to move forward every step in our lives.

    Help us, oh Lord, to continue to walk in Your ways.  We lay ourselves at Your feet and beg for Your mercy and grace to flood our lives.  Let Your Spirit rule and reign in us and help us to show Your love to this dying world.  Lord, let revival begin in the hearts of Your children so that it can spread, shining around the world.  Let the people of the world see once again that our God is powerful, He IS alive, and that He STILL wants to be fully involved in our lives.  Help Your children live according to Your will and in the Spirit with hearts after Yours and with love for all people.  Help us know You and understand Your Word for it, and You, are life.

     Give us discernment of all the devil's ways that we not be deceived or turned astray.  Keep us pure and point out the things we need to change.  We don't want anything to come between us and You.  Continue to lead us in the way we should go and be the guard at our back.  We thank You and praise You for who You are and all You do for us.  You are good.  You are always good- even when we don't see it...

Thank You Lord for Your great salvation.
     and for loving us still.