and the One who walks with me on it.

Saturday, November 30, 2013


       Well, I don’t know how many people attempt to fix their computers when things go wrong, but I do, simply because it’s so expensive to get a professional.  Perhaps the time for self-fixing is over though because it seems to take longer and longer to find answers (online mostly) and fix the issues.  As a result, I’ve been working at it for hours and it still isn’t quite right, but it is usable, so I’m taking this opportunity to post.

       The internet seems the biggest and quickest source of information that is available to mostly everyone.  At the same time, not all the information is accurate: some is based on opinions, others unintentional misinformation, and yet others are intentional and out to deceive, often to make a sale; and so we must frequently wade through copious amounts of information to find what we are looking for.

       It would be a completely different world if we could trust everyone to be honest with their information!  But there is one who has never lied: “God is not a man that He should lie…” (Nm. 23:19).  He doesn’t need to lie since He knows everything, sees everything, made everything and is the most powerful person in the universe.  He can basically do as He pleases.  “Whatever the LORD pleases, he does, in heaven and on earth, in the seas and all deeps.(Ps. 135:6 ESV; also Ps. 115:3)

       Still, there is a place we can go, filled with information that is helpful in all the areas of our lives- the Bible.  Those are God’s words written by man for our benefit. “All Scripture is God-breathed…” (2Tm. 3:16) Sure, it is thousands of years old, yet to all who read, heed and apply, it is fresh and new everyday and is able to transform our lives (Jm. 1:21; Rm. 12:2).  All the information in the world (which they claim as their own) can’t do that!

       Some people insist it was just written by men.  Others insist it is only stories, myths, symbols and metaphors.  Many think it simply isn’t applicable to their lives- especially this century.  There are many proofs against these allegations, but my own story is one that can not easily be refuted for I know what the Word of God has done in my life.  It has changed me in ways that I never thought possible.

       My childhood was filled with emotional turmoil.  I was shy, unable to come out of my shell, even midway into high-school.  Then I was born again, and the Lord began to do a work in me, primarily through His Word, but also through solid teaching of others.  Almost immediately He took away most of the shyness, but it would take years for a most of the emotional healing to take place.

       From later teen years to mid twenties, I was very judgmental, never seeing myself as such, of course.  I thought very highly of my own faith in the Lord and how much I knew Him and His Word… (yep, that’s pride)  Anyway, most of the garbage in my life was inward and hidden from the world, but of course I judged others for their outward sins- never really seeing my own.  But one by one, the Lord used His Word to hack away at them, revealing my own heart to me time and time again.  He also showed me more than once how my faith was wishy washy, quickly disappearing in difficult times- in other words, not true faith.

       Today I am transformed inwardly in so many ways that I barely recognize my inside self.  Oh, I don’t kid myself, for I know I still have a looooong way to go as some recent posts indicate, but I fully know beyond knowing it was the Lord’s doing through His Word and words in my life.  Other books have impacted me a little here or there, but nothing has transformed me (yes, for the better) as much as the Word of God.

For the Word of God is living and powerful and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the dividing apart of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart
                                                Hb. 4:12