and the One who walks with me on it.

Sunday, May 12, 2013

In Love

       Sometimes old songs flash in my mind and I just have to sing them.  Today with all the roses making the rounds for Mother’s Day, it made me think of being in love and I started to sing “Jesus I am so in love with you.”  I thought, “Am I?”  My answer would have to be a resounding ‘Yes sort of.’  That whole out of your mind, blind to the truth, hormone rushing, crazy emotional mess kind of ‘in love’ part isn’t really there, but in it’s place is the more mature loving You like crazy which seems to increase daily, knowing You more and trusting who You are kind of ‘in love’.

       Instead of being out of my mind, I am fully cognizant of who I am, who my Lord is and what He has done for me (learning more every day).  I don’t want to be blind to the truth of who He is, how He acts, nor do I ever want to go back to the ignorance of my past.  I’m not interested in messy hormones or emotions anymore, especially the insecurity in a new relationship due to lack of trust because of not fully knowing the person over time.

As to still being in love, I think yes.

       Lord, I just want to take this time to thank you profusely for who You are to me.  You are my father, my mother, my husband, my brother and my friend.  You are my confidant, my advisor, my comfort, my backbone, my guide, my teacher and my love.  Though I appreciate all the moms in the world, especially my own and my mom-in-law, I appreciate You, Lord far more.  Growing up I would have been lost without You and that still hasn’t changed.

       This sign made me think of what it was like being in love with my first boyfriend who is now my hubby.  Food for thought:
How many can we say are true about our relationship with the Lord, the Love of our lives?

And you shall love Jehovah your God
with all your heart
with all your soul
with all your might.
Dt. 6:5