and the One who walks with me on it.

Monday, April 22, 2013

Me Do

       Ready for bed, she looked up to her Dad with her bright smile and engaging eyes as she reached up for her big stuffed bear sitting on the table.  Trying to help his 2+ yr old, Dad went to pick the over-sized bear up and give it to her.  Her eyes became resolute and she cried out, “Me Do”.  Dad smiled and said, “Okay!  He watched her struggle to get the bear down, and fall on her bum as it came down.  She fell about five more times walking with that big bear before she finally looked up tearful and said, “Daddy?  Daddy rescued his little girl and carried her and her bear into the bedroom to go to sleep.

       At the age of 8, she grabbed more toys than she could handle to go downstairs into the rec. room with her friend to play and Dad spoke up, “Do you want any help?”  No, I can do it.  You don’t have to carry them all by yourself.  I can help.  She flashed her frustrated eyes at him to say, ‘You should know better.  I can do this on my own’ and she continued to her destination dropping toys, becoming more irritated every time she had to pick one up.  She couldn’t see the stairs, missed a step half way down, the toys flew all over and she fell down and twisted her ankle.

       At 18 she was determined to take the final load up to her dorm herself and she said her good-byes to her Dad.  Please hon, let me help, or at least let me wait here while you bring a smaller load up.  She looked at him with disdain, “Daaad!  She hugged him, strapped her laptop backpack on her back, her purse strung over one shoulder and a bag of clothes over the other, and she stooped to pick up her two heavy suitcases.  Dad watched her waddle back and forth, struggling with each step as she went toward the door, hoping and praying she’d make it safely up the three flights of stairs.

       This foolish, stubborn girl is me- only it isn’t a literal story, but a symbolic one on how obstinate I’ve been in my walk with the Lord.  The other day I remembered how often I tried to carry my own overwhelming stuff while subconsciously saying, “I can do this!” I stumbled, fell, even getting hurt, yet resisted asking the Lord for help.  ‘He’s too busy anyway, right?’ I thought.  A decade later I was still trying to carry all life’s issues on my own.  If I juggled them just right I wouldn’t stumble but things kept coming down and smashing at my feet.

       Late in 2005 I was still carrying a load, but it had become unbearable and I was buckling under the weight.  “Why, why have you given me this load?” I would cry out, “This is too much for me to bear!”  My Father watched as I sank under the weight by refusing to let go, but He kept whispering, “Come to Me all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.(Mt. 11:28) It wasn’t God’s fault I was carrying such a heavy load, but mine.  I kept trying to do it on my own.  ‘Me do!’  While my stubbornness has benefited my life in certain ways, it has also nearly killed me (no exaggeration).

       Eventually I realized my need to drop it all at my Father’s feet (1Pt. 5:7) for Him to carry because He has the strongest, biggest shoulders for it all.  For he will deliver the needy when they cry out for help…” (Ps. 72:12)  There is great freedom in relying on the Lord to carry our burdens and weights in this life.  I learned that if I put my trust in Him to carry me AND my burdens, and stop trying to do it on my own, my journey is easier to walk (Pr. 3:5,6) and instead of buckling under the weight, His strength holds me up and His peace and joy remain in me (Is. 26:3; Php 4:6,7).

It’s okay now Dad…   You Do!

Cast on the LORD whatever he sends your way, and he will sustain you.
He will never allow the righteous to be shaken.
Ps. 55:22 (all ISV)

Even until your old age, I am the one, and I'll carry you even until your gray hairs come. It is I who have created, and I who will carry, and it is I who will bear and save.
Is. 46:4

Blessed be the Lord who daily carries us. God is our deliverer.
Ps. 68:19