and the One who walks with me on it.

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Mark 16 Controversy- Part 2

-The Great Commission

       Some say the earliest reliable manuscripts of the Bible do not include Mark 16:9-20.  This is a look at the teaching in them to see if they are unscriptural or not worth accepting as truth instead of arguing if they belong or ignoring them because they aren’t legitimate.  Yesterday we looked at v.9-16, today we complete v.17-20 with more specific acts.

v.17  And miraculous signs* will follow to those believing* these things: in My name* they will cast out demons; they will speak new tongues;
    (*sign, miracle, wonder, token)  (*believe, commit, put in trust)
    (*name implies power and authority of the person whose name is used)
---cast out demons- Mt. 10:1,8; Lk. 10:17; Ac. 5:16; 8:7; 16:18; 19:12;
---speak new tongues- Ac. 2:4,6,11; 10:45,46; 19:6; 1Cor. 12:10; 14:5;
v.18  they will take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it will not hurt them. They will lay hands on the sick, and they will be well.
---take up serpents- Ac. 28:3-6; Lk. 10:19
    (could this imply other’s persecution of us?- Ps. 140:1-3; Rom. 3:13; Jm. 3:8)
---drink deadly thing without getting hurt- no references found by me
---lay hands on sick and they will be well- Mt. 10:1,8; Lk. 10:9; Ac. 3:2-8; 5:15,16; 9:17,18;32-35,36; 14:10; 19:11,12; 28:8,9; 1Cor. 12:9
v.19  Then indeed, after speaking to them, the Lord was taken up into Heaven, and sat on the right hand of God. Lk. 24:50,51; Ac. 1:6-12; 1Tm. 3:16
v.20  And going out, they proclaimed everywhere, the Lord working with them and confirming the Word by miraculous signs following. Amen.
     specific (but unlisted above) signs, wonders, miracles- Ac. 2:3; 5:1-10,15,18-23; 8:39,40; 9:4,8; 10:3,9; 12:7; 13:11; 16:9,26,27; 18:9; 21:9; 27:24
     unspecified signs, wonders, miracles following (preaching or gospel)- Ac. 2:43; 5:12; 6:8; 8:6,13; 14:3; 15:12; 19:11; Rom. 15:19; 1Cor. 12:10; 2Cor. 12:12; Gal. 3:5; Heb. 2:4

Not mentioned in Mark but we know these were done along with other acts elsewhere:
---cleanse the lepers- Mt. 10:8
---raise the dead- Mt. 10:8; Ac. 9:37-41; 20:9,10 (Possibly Ac. 14:19,20)

       So I complete this part by saying that there is much proof that Mark 16:9-20 does fit in to the Bible.  As for some additional thoughts, if they were not included originally, consider how the chapter would end. (v.8) “And they went out quickly and fled from the tomb. For they trembled and were amazed. Neither did they say anything to anyone, for they were afraid.  It’s hard to believe the book would end that way- hopeless and in fear.  Read Mt. 28:19,20; Lk. 24:52,53; Jh. 21:24,25 and then reread Mk. 16:19,20.  They would all end with hope and Amen.  Which is the better fit to you?

I thought today would finish this topic, but I will need a part 3 so that this is not too long.
I hope you return tomorrow for the completion of this topic.