and the One who walks with me on it.

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Circles of Trust

       What can I say about trust?  For whatever reason, I grew up not trusting people.  Maybe it’s because I have always been a close observer of people and I could see they were not always trustworthy.  As I grew up, I had circles (walls) of trust around me.  I would let you in so far to see if you were trustworthy, and if not, you would never get closer.  If you were, then I would let you into the next closest circle, and start the integrity check again.  In case you wonder, the few friends I had would say I was as trustworthy as a human could get.

        Fast forward 6ish years, I was married, in Bible College, loved the Lord with all my heart (so I thought) and leaned on Him completely (so I thought).  Of course I was extremely disappointed to find out we couldn’t have kids- in fact, devastated would be a better word.  But all was okay because the God who loved me would provide the healing that would allow us to bear children right?  Hey, I trusted Him for an entire year, through disappointment every month, but He let me down.  Years of bitterness and a closed heart followed.

The Lord was merciful and brought me back by His grace.

       Now I trusted the Lord more than ever- right up until we were told we couldn’t adopt for a variety of reasons.  Broken trust.  Distance from God.  The Lord drew me back again.  Next trial- same response, and the next, and the next.  You would think I would learn, but I can be a little thick headed!  How could I trust a God who never answered my prayers?  Looking back, I couldn’t have been more wrong!

       We had a few decent years (with only a few smaller trials) from late ’95 to 2000 and then the biggest, fiercest trial slammed us down hard.  Again, my faith was strong- for the first little bit, but God did not answer my prayers again.  How could He allow me to go through such tribulation if He loved me?  Abandoned by almost all family, friends, and the medical community, we felt alone and in an impossible situation that we’d never get out of.  I didn’t even know if we would physically survive.  It felt like God abandoned us.

       It was during those difficult six years that the Father taught me unconditional love, real faith, and what genuine trust is.  Webster’s puts trust this way: confidence; a reliance or resting of the mind on the integrity, veracity, justice, friendship or other sound principle of another person.  I had failed to completely trust the Lord with everything, instead counting Him as untrustworthy for not answering my prayers in my timing, the way I wanted them answered.  And every time He ‘let me down’ I shoved Him outside my circles of trust.

But the Lord never gave up on me!  He kept working in my life.

       Now I see where I used to be: I was never confident He knew what was best for me.  I never relied or rested upon Him to get me through life’s trials or accepted what He wanted me to go through.  As a result, I stopped feeling He was reliable to answer my prayers, doubted His love for me, His justice, friendship and who He was (because He wasn’t the Father I wanted Him to be).  Finally I understood so much more and I threw myself on the mercy of my loving God.  I have never again been the same.  (Though years of recovery still followed)

       Just a few months later I was faced with another trial- breast cancer.  My reaction?  Completely different.  I trusted that He knew best for me and He’d work good out of it, that He’d never leave me alone in it, that He’d help me through each step, and that His love, peace and joy would remain with me.  Basically, I finally realized He is the only truly trustworthy being there is, and I let Him into my innermost circle of trust.  Since then, no matter what happens, by His grace & with Him I stand; and I have never been so full of life.  Reading this Scripture brought these memories up today:

Though the fig tree should not blossom, nor fruit be on the vines, the produce of the olive fail and the fields yield no food, the flock be cut off from the fold and there be no herd in the stalls, yet I will rejoice in the LORD; I will take joy in the God of my salvation. GOD, the Lord, is my strength; he makes my feet like the deer's; he makes me tread on my high places...  Hab. 3:17-19

       Now I understand this Scripture: Though things don’t happen as expected, though devastation may occur, though failure, hunger, insecurity, and deficiency arise, (in bad times of calamity, distress and loss) yet I will rejoice in the Lord, for He is my salvation, my strength, lightens my steps and lifts me up.  Though I would not dare say I completely trust the Lord now, I would say that I hope to ever throw myself on His mercy and grace and I count on Him to help me on this journey.

For this light momentary affliction is preparing for us an eternal weight of glory beyond all comparison, as we look not to the things that are seen but to the things that are unseen. For the things that are seen are transient, but the things that are unseen are eternal. 2Cor. 4:17,18 ESV