and the One who walks with me on it.

Monday, March 05, 2012

Coffee’s Ready!

(possible conversation from the Father to you)

       Good morning child.  Come sit down with me to enjoy some coffee while we chat.  How have you been lately?  Here, let me take that load off your shoulders so you can relax a bit.  I know you are struggling, I know times are tough, and I know you don’t understand it all…  but come.  Tell me all about your life because I sure want to hear from you.  Yes, I already know what’s going on, but I like to hear it from your perspective anyway.  Here, take a sip of your coffee.

        Tell me, what are you facing today?  I’d like to talk to you about it.  Perhaps there is some advice I can give you and I’d like to help you start your day right.  You know, I’ve been around a lot of years and I’ve seen more than I wanted to, so I think my counsel will be wise.  I know you sometimes think I let you down…  can we talk about it?  I’d sure like to work it out.  You know I love you and I only want what’s best for you even when it doesn’t look that way.

       I know…  you’ve got to go now, so just remember child, I’m here waiting whenever you have time to come sit down with me so we can chat some more.  I just love spending time with you.  You are so valuable to me and I do so enjoy and cherish every moment we get in each other’s company. Come on back soon… like I say, I’ll be here and  I’ll have a fresh cup waiting…

I sure do want to talk with you some more!