and the One who walks with me on it.

Friday, September 16, 2011

Two Minutes

If you had only two minutes to make a difference in someone’s life what would you say to them, or what would you do?

Knowing me, I would probably try to reach out and touch their hand or shoulder, look them straight in the eye so they hopefully see the love of Christ in them looking back and say:  (here's my two minutes- using a timer:)

       God loved you so much that as soon as man first sinned, He made a plan for you to be saved.  He sent part of himself in Jesus Christ to live and die for you and by His blood you can be saved.  You need to believe in Him, repent of your sins, give your life to Him and He will be your best friend forever.

       He wants to be part of your life.  He wants to love you.  He wants to spend time with you.  With Him, you will never be alone again.  With Him you have the best friend you could ever ask for.  He loved you so much when He took Jesus back to Heaven, He sent another part of himself in the Holy Spirit to live with you, teach, and lead you the rest of your days until you can be with Him in Heaven- forever!  

Well, time’s up!

Probably makes a difference speaking because my typing is slower than my speech, but I guess any short time we have to express God’s love to mankind is worth using.

Lord, help me to utilize any opening for Your namesake.