and the One who walks with me on it.

Monday, August 15, 2011

Finding Your Way in the Dark

       Before we left I had drawn out a map of the roads we needed to take to get to the cottage from the nearest city.  To help, I added the km’s between all the road changes with the help of Google Earth and the ruler feature.  It would be night and very dark before I would fully appreciate that map with its information.  You see, we planned to get there well before nightfall, but for several reasons we were held up and so it was very dark by the time we entered unfamiliar territory.  The roads were narrow and winding (so dark I could hardly see their edges even with my high beams) with signs up for potential moose making me tense and uncomfortable while driving. 

       It was slower going than I thought but eventually we found the final road and breathed a sigh of relief… until we realized it was dark so we couldn’t see the signs of the cottages or my sister’s car, and we weren’t given the number of the place.  When we were getting close to the km’s we expected to drive, we realized we might have to drive into every driveway to find her red car, but then we saw it parked at the end of a driveway with her personalized license plate.  What a relief it was to know we reached our destination and could finally rest!

       That map and the car at the end of the journey were the main things to help us find our way in the dark.  We have very similar items to get us through to our destination while on this journey through the darkness of this earth.

       First, we have the Bible, our map, full of wisdom and information needed to make our journey successful. (2 Tim. 3:16,17)  In it, we find out the truth about needing Jesus Christ and His sacrifice for our salvation, and if we respond to that truth, then we learn: to know Him (John 17:3), to live by the Spirit (Gal. ) and be one with the Lord (John ).  The Word can be used to guide us on His paths, keep us in His ways, and it will light our path (Ps. 119:9,101,105).

       The red car in front of us was like the Lord Himself directing us in the way we should go.  The Bible says, He is our Light (John 9:5), He both precedes and follows us (Ps. 139:5) and He is with us no matter where or how far we go (Ps. 139:7-10).  His Spirit, whom dwells within us (Rom. ) will teach (John ), lead (Gal. ), guide (John ) and help us (John ,17) on our journey.

       It was into the darkness of this earth (Eph. ) that Jesus said, “…I am the light of the world. The one who follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.” (John   ISV)  What a great thing to know that as we travel these dark roads of life, which are uncomfortable and treacherous at times, that Jesus our Lord and Savior will be our Light!  We can find our way because of the One who loves us!

Thank You Lord for the Word, for Your life,
and for being our Light in this ever darkening world. 

We appreciate You.