and the One who walks with me on it.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Open My Eyes… Psalm 119

      There I was sitting in the lounge area of the city library reading my Bible while waiting for my van to be repaired.  It was to be a long wait, so I made myself comfortable and opened up The Book to a familiar passage.  Several verses down the words seemed to ‘hit me hard’ and I began to weep.  They changed my heart and life that day.  Though I had read them many times before, they suddenly became very real and active in my life.  My eyes were opened…

       Similar experiences seem to happen every time I read the Word.  It is like there is a fly swatter hidden in the words that springs up and whacks me in the face although I’ve read them many times before, and they abruptly become alive- working in me.  It’s as if the Bible is three dimensional and the words too profound for me to fully comprehend at one time.

       How can it be that a book written 2000 years ago PLUS can still apply and have meaning to my life today?  Come on, the authors didn’t even have planes, trains and automobiles; heck, they didn’t even know North America existed!  How is it possible for words written thousands of years ago to impact me today?  The words in the Bible are living because God made them that way.  'For the word of God is living and active, sharper than any double-edged sword…' (Heb. ISV)  The word ‘living’ is the same word that Jesus used when speaking of Himself as living water and living bread, as well as when other authors write of the living God.

       How do I know the Word of God is inspired?  (every Writing is God-breathed2 Tim.   YLT)  Because I’ve read other lengthy books and although some are interesting and you even learn about historical events or legends, the words don’t jump out at you and change your life.  Occasionally I have read words from authors that have impacted my life, but they are few and far between.  Overwhelmingly, it is the Lord’s words that continue to change me on a daily basis.

Open my eyes to see wonderful things in your Word.  Ps 119:18  KJV

       Those words are often my prayer when I open the Bible.  In other words, I pray the Lord would open my eyes so that I can understand the words and thereby understand Him better.  His Spirit teaches us and quickens the words to our hearts.  (1 Cor. 2:13)  And there really are many wonderful things in His Word: love, life, freedom, joy, peace, healing, truth...  But best of all is getting to know Him, the Creator of all life.  How awesome is that!

Lord, open our eyes…