and the One who walks with me on it.

Friday, July 11, 2014

Thunderous Applause

       Last night I went to the concert of a well known Christian band which I won’t name because it will distract from the things of which I want to write.  The music was great and God honouring.  The enormous crowd seemed to be good hearted and God loving.  The band speakers have a passion for the Lord.  All seems well and I had a good time but yet I am unsettled.  One thing keeps rising to the forefront of my thoughts: who was the thunderous applause really for… 
God… or man?

       If it was God then why don’t we hear that kind of worship in our services?  If it was for the band (man) why are we giving them more enthusiastic cheering than God?  I don’t think the band really wants us to adore them and not God.  I don’t think God wants us to adore man and the talents He gave them over Him- the Creator.  When the band got off the stage, the cheering was deafening until the band came back to play a couple songs.  That never happens when the worship team or the preacher goes off stage.  When’s the last time we thundered praise so that God’s presence wouldn’t leave a service?  Um, well, a better question might be if we’ve EVER thunderously applauded God.

Clap your hand, all you peoples; shout to God with the voice of triumph. Ps. 47:1
Make a joyful noise to Jehovah, all the earth; breakout, and rejoice, and sing praise. Ps. 98:4

       There’s so much more I’m thinking as it’s racing through my head and I know the Lord’s using it to change something in me, and that’s okay.  But I don’t know where it’s going and I sure am not comfortable with how unsettled I feel, though I know that God is good and always does His utmost to teach and guide us into truth.  Should we be clapping so much for man?  I don’t think so.  Was the clapping all for man?  I’m not sure.  Should we want to shout and clap and stomp and praise our God loudly?  If we are those kinds of people at concerts then I’d say we should be those kinds of people toward God.

After all Jesus has done for us, how could we not be?

those who honor Me I will honor,
and those that think little of Me shall be lightly regarded.
1Sm. 2:30