and the One who walks with me on it.

Friday, October 18, 2013

Adjustment Time

       To all my faithful readers I just wanted to apologize for not being more consistent with posting.  Right now I am struggling with issues of tiredness again and often fall asleep while writing posts, especially since I don't seem to have time to write until late.  For that reason I am going to take this weekend off and adjust to a different way of getting them done.
       Please be patient and don't give up on me.  As always, I expect that God will continue to work in my life and all of our lives to transform us into the people we should be for His glory.  I also know that one day these issues that we struggle with in this life will all melt away into oblivion and we will be completely healthy and whole, full of vitality and life, and we will understand so much more than now.
       Be blessed, and may our God, Savior Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit find us willing and open to their leading.  May their light shine upon us and may we know the peace that passes all understanding and joy unending that only comes from God above.
       In His love,
Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me
all the days of my life;
and I shall dwell in the house of Jehovah forever.
Ps. 23:6