and the One who walks with me on it.

Monday, September 02, 2013

Sacred Journey

       Well, we just spent a few days at Pinery Provincial Park where there are lots of trees, trails, tents and trailers, clean beaches, and my favourite, beautiful sand dunes.  A few years ago I discovered one particular dune near our site that I went up to commune with God.  There we had some precious times, I learned more about Him, and worshipped Him under the stars that He made.  What magnificent times we had!

       This time we were only there for the long weekend and in a totally different area with family and friends.  As a result, I was nowhere close to the dunes and so it was Sunday morning before I got away to seek out my sacred place.  Mounting my steed (okay, my bicycle…) I rode off into to the quiet, early morning to seek out my special place with God.  Racing down the road uncertain of which specific direction to go in, I trusted God to help me find the place.

       The wind gently blew on my face, the crisp air relaxed my breathing, and the stillness of the morning made me smile.  It’s been a long time since I enjoyed nature that way.  Then I heard His voice.  His words went something like this, “Why are you going to this place?”  “To meet with You there,” I said.  “But I am here with you now.”

       “Yes, I know that Lord, but…”  Quiet.  Then in a flash I understood what we, as Christians, are still trying to do thousands of years after our creation--- find God in a special place, kind of like Moses going up Mount Sinai to meet with God.  We go to church to be in His presence, or conferences, to hear special speakers, or even alone in our rooms.  There is nothing wrong with any of that for it is important to meet with God those times as well, but God is called Emmanuel, meaning God with us, for a reason--- because He is always with us!!! (Mt. 1:23; Is. 7:14)
       He is with us through our work day, when we change our baby’s diaper, wash the clothes, cut the lawn, eat our food, go poop on the toilet (did I type that out loud!…), sit in class, drive the vehicle, talk on the phone, go to bed, exercise, and on and on.  See, in the beginning, God was with Adam and Eve in a physical way, probably daily (Gen. 3).  After the ‘fall’ of man, it was different and He rarely showed Himself, but He did still communicate with some men.

       Then the Father sent His Son, Jesus Christ (Jh. 3:16), to come and show us the way of life (Jh. 14:6).  Jesus died for our sins (1Cr. 15:3), but before He did, He said He had to go so the Comforter could be sent (Jh. 15:26; 16:7-13).  Basically, He had to go so that His Spirit could dwell with us.  Here.  Wherever we are.  Now.  Every moment of every day.  God with us.

through the Holy Spirit given to us. Rm. 5:5
But you are not in the flesh, but in the Spirit, if the Spirit of God dwells in youRm. 8:9
For you are the temple of the living God, as God has said, "I will dwell in them and walk among them; and I will be their God, and they shall be My people." 2Cr. 6:16 also 1Cr. 3:16
through the Holy Spirit indwelling in us. 2Tm. 1:14
The spirit that dwells in us… Jm. 4:5
Whoever shall confess that Jesus is the Son of God, God dwells in him and he in God. 1Jh. 4:15

       God is with us if we are truly His children.  We don’t have to go someplace special to be with Him for He is right here with us.  I’m learning more every day to commune with Him throughout each day, leaning on His help, wisdom and strength to get me through.  I’ll still go to our dune every time I’m at the Pinery, but He is here with me even as I type these words, ready and wanting to listen and to speak to me again.  Like the commercial, He is probably whispering:

Can you hear me now???