and the One who walks with me on it.

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Of Humility

       Raised by the head of the nation, called by God to save his people, Moses also spent face to face time with the Lord.  It seems to me that someone with such a life could become arrogant and dismissive of others yet the Bible says, “(Now the man Moses was very meek, more than all the men on the face of the earth.)(Nm. 12:3)  Some more modern people considered humble would be Mother Theresa and Billy Graham.  All of these, for their ‘renown’ still maintained a humble demeanor.

       This is one of the things I learned about the Amish on our trip- they choose to live humble lives.  Their clothes are made to blend in with each other instead of stand out; there are no fancy accessories.  They wear their hair in the way they believe honours God.  They don’t like their pictures being taken because they believe it is against the command not to have graven images.  In all my years, I’ve never seen an Amish person of any age showing off, acting in pride or mistreating others (though I am sure it happens as they are human).

       I am not putting them up on a pedestal as I know they have crimes committed in their communities too, but I’m thinking about how society thinks of them and us as non Amish Christians.  Though the Amish are considered odd in lifestyles, they are seen as humble, or at least as standing differently than society.  Many unbelievers have said to me they find (non Amish) Christians to be arrogant and only caring about proselytizing- not genuinely concerned about them.  If this is the case, we have to pause to consider why.

        Jesus was considered humble (Zc. 9:9; Mr. 10:45; Php. 2:5-8).  We are supposed to follow Him, be like Him (Mt. 16:24; 1Cr. 11:1,2).  If people are seeing us as arrogant and uncaring, then we need to consider ALL our actions.  Are they in line with what Jesus would do?  Do we speak the way Jesus would speak?  Do we help others the way Jesus would?  As concerning our behaviour, society should see us as humble people- for we are called to be humble.

if My people, who are called by My name, shall humble themselves and pray, and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from Heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land. 2Ch. 7:14

Put on humility. For God resists proud ones, but He gives grace to the humble. 1Pt. 5:5

The meek He will guide in judgment; and the meek He will teach His way. Ps. 25:9

        Notice the action on our part.  We aren’t to wait for God to miraculously change us to be humble people.  It is something WE are to do.  The opposites of humility are: arrogance, assertiveness, egoism, pretentiousness, and self-importance and so in being humble we should not be these things, yet we take pride in our assertiveness and often place importance on ourselves, our needs etc.  In thinking of humility, I believe there are changes I need to make in myself.

Lord, help me to make them.

He will beautify the meek with salvation.
Ps. 149:4