This time I didn't post because our phone line was dead yesterday until late afternoon today. I just love our phone company- Not! I called up the repair line, with my pay as you go cell phone. Well, actually, I called three numbers from the telephone book that didn't work before I got a fourth that did. Then it gave me a minute long advertisement for some kind of service I didn't need.
After that came that wonderful automated voice service telling me to press this then that, then this. Finally, just when I thought I got through to a person, the voice gave me advice on what I should be checking before I made an appointment to get the lines fixed. Did I want to hang up and check out the recommendations, or make an appointment now? At that point, I said a very unChristianlike word. More buttons to push and an appointment was made for someone to come by between 12pm and 5pm. They never came.
Yes, they did fix the problem, but nary a person stopped by the house. Just a phone call to say we fixed the problem. So today, in between the craziness of my daughter's graduation day, her writing for a beginner's driving license, a check up at the cancer center, racing- I mean calmly driving home, picking up my mom- and a pizza, eating, picking up daughter's friend, fighting traffic and stop signs, getting the two girls to the graduation early, dropping son off at the mall, back to the ceremony building, trying to find parking...
Well, you get the picture. Some days, nothing ever seems to work out the way you want it too! At the end of the day, you sigh, knowing your kid will probably never know the effort you went to... Anyway, one thing remains the same throughout these days.
God is still God, He is still on the throne and HE remains the same no matter how crazy, busy, planned or unexpected our days become.
He does not change who He is
His love never fails
He never gives up on us.
For I am Jehovah, I change not. Mal. 3:6 (all ESV)
Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever. Heb. 13:8
Your steadfast love, O LORD, extends to the heavens, your faithfulness to the clouds.
... How precious is your steadfast love, O God! Ps. 36:5,7
God is faithful, by whom you were called into the fellowship of his Son, Jesus
Christ our Lord. 1Cor. 1:9