and the One who walks with me on it.

Monday, April 08, 2013

The Empty Glass- Part 1

       Is the glass half empty or half full?  Generally, if we are thirsty, we prefer it full, but maybe there are times it is better empty.  Just lately in my time with the Lord, a profound insight struck me.  If a glass is full, it has no room for anything better, so if we want to put something different in, first we must pour out the contents already in the glass.  That might seem simplistic, but consider the implications to our Christianity.  Firstly, we are vessels:

(about Paul) But the Lord said to him, Go! For this one is a chosen vessel to Me… Ac. 9:15
But in a great house there are not only vessels of gold and of silver, but also of wood and of earth...  2Tm. 2:20  

       Some vessels are made with gold or silver, others with wood or earth.  Of course the ones that are more valuable are the metal ones that withstand the test of time with harsher usage and while the wood is slightly better than the clay, both are considered frailer than metal.  If I had to choose a vessel and these were my four choices, I would probably choose silver because it is strong due to purification, would last a long time, and I like the colour better than gold!

       Anyway after asking the Lord why we don’t see His power working visibly as in the days of Acts, I began picturing that I was like an empty bronze glass, and I thought, why is it empty?  Then the Lord whispered, ‘if your glass is full, how can I fill it with My anointed Spirit?  If My Spirit is not filling you up, then how can my power be displayed in you?’ (or something like that)  Okay, I thought, so what is my glass full of that leaves no room for You?  The flesh.  Self.  Pride.  Ah, another ouch moment!

       Before I go on I would just like to say I am NOT talking about emptying your personality, your mind (like eastern religions do), thoughts, or any other weird practices.  I am speaking strictly in the Biblical sense of casting down, putting off, denying, crucifying, submitting, putting to death, mortifying desires, and such that is sort of like emptying ourselves of the old sinful man to allow God to fill us with His Spirit.

       There is just so much here to go through that I’m going to finish this tomorrow, but I want you to know that it is possible to empty ourselves, or completely entrust our old man- our own desires, wants, passions, will, emotions (that was a biggie for me), own wisdom/ smarts, reputation, dreams, time, all that we are into the hands of our loving, good and righteous Father.  If our own glass is already full or mostly full of self, how much room is left for the Spirit to fill?

       Honestly I have to admit that as many times as I said/ sang that I completely gave myself, surrendered, and other such things, it never really seemed to change me in the same way this has.  Seeing myself as (continually) empty of the old person and allowing God to fill me to overflowing has caused me to BE different. 

       Now I have a new boldness.  I offer to pray even for complete strangers, I stop to help people I don’t know, I try to cheer up people in line ups, encourage and spread kindness in ways I didn’t before.  Not that I was awful before, but it was never like this.  I’ve changed once again, and I know there is still far to go, but with the Spirit filling me I’m eager for the Lord to move through me- to help others know Him and want to be with Him.  And I’m hoping that one day all Christians will allow the Spirit (of whom Jesus needed to go so He could send Jh. 16:7) to fill us to overflowing and God’s power will be visibly displayed in the world, in a mighty way once again just like the days of Acts.