and the One who walks with me on it.

Thursday, April 11, 2013

The Empty Glass- Something Worth Mentioning

Paul on the way to Damascus.
       Sometimes, I just don’t know where my posting will take me.  For instance, many times I don’t plan on writing more than one day on a topic, but some days the post becomes too long and it is better to split it up rather than have too much.  If you haven’t read ‘The Empty Glass’ Part 1 and Part 2, then you might want to do that first, but for those of you who read faithfully (thank you!!!) this post will just fit in.

       There is something I chose not to write about, which is that a sovereign God (1Chr. 29:11) can decide to fill a glass that may be partially filled or even full.  This happens by His power, and from experience, a person is unlikely to remain standing.  There are some verses in the Bible where God’s power is displayed and men did not remain upright- though some may have gone down on their own volition (2Chr. 5:14; Ez. 1:28, 3:23; Dan. 8:17; Mt. 17:6; Jh. 18:6; Ac. 9:3,4; Rev. 1:17).

       Anyway, yesterday I left the house early for service because I was full to the brim with frustration, annoyance, and other negative thoughts and emotions.  Nothing worked to refocus myself on the Lord, and I couldn’t shake it off.  Listening to music in the car didn’t even help until that last song before I went in, then finally I was able to release some of the garbage.  As usual, we sang some worship songs and it was then the Lord’s power pushed out what was left of the garbage and filled me up- and I went down right into the seat.

       What followed was a heaviness of eyes and limbs that left me sitting there feeling God working in me and a whisper of the word ‘healing’.  Suddenly, my lungs felt hot- as in high fever.  It got stronger, then lessened, then repeated a few times.  Very weird feeling!  (What I haven’t mentioned is that a few weeks ago I had a respiratory infection* where I had even lost my voice for days.  I didn’t take antibiotics, but did get better- except for a lingering feeling of residual wetness in my upper lungs; also, my voice would still crack sometimes when I spoke or worse, sang.)

       I didn’t really think about it after service until this morning when I realized my lungs felt completely clear and my voice is strong at all ‘normal for me’ octaves.  (Thank You, thank You, thank You Lord!!!)  There are many ways God chooses to heal us, and sometimes He chooses not to heal us at this time, but whichever way He decides, I (post 2006) always believe deep inside that He is GOOD.

For Jehovah is good; His mercy is everlasting; and His truth endures to all generations.  Ps. 100:5
You are good, and do good  Ps. 119:68

       The Lord doesn’t have to love us, but He does anyway.  He doesn’t have to stick with us even when we treat Him horribly or ignore Him, but He remains faithful.  He doesn’t have to have infinite patience, compassion, mercy and grace, but still, He does.  He doesn’t have to forgive us but He does ‘cause He loves us so much.  God is good to us.  God is good to me, and I am forever grateful that He came to live with/ in me. (In all His followers!)

Do you not know that you are a temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwells in you?  1Cor. 3:16
By the Holy Spirit who dwells within us  2Tm. 1:14

And I’m hoping to keep my glass empty so His Spirit and His power can fill me to overflowing; not just for myself but so that others might get to know Him through me.

*my own diagnosis based on past experiences and colour of mucus.