and the One who walks with me on it.

Saturday, July 14, 2012


       It was a warm, dark night and I was lying outside on a blanket in the quiet countryside underneath the starry sky.  Though the only two constellations I recognize are the big and little dipper, it is still beautiful to behold God’s wondrous creation.  After a while, the stars began to mesmerize me and it felt like I was drifting higher and higher into the stars; it was like I could see the universe so immense, like I’d never seen it before.  It was amazing.  All of a sudden I understood just how small I was.

        I am hundreds of thousands of times smaller than the earth, which itself is thousands of times smaller than our sun, which is only a small part of our solar system, and we’ve never even seen all the galaxies in the universe yet.  (It would be interesting to ask a mathematician to guesstimate just how small man is)  I imagine standing at the edge of the Grand Canyon might have the same effect as what happened with the stars- a realization of man’s smallness.

       One could almost feel man’s insignificance looking out into vast spaces in our universe considering how diminutive man is, but there is a God in heaven who doesn’t think we are unimportant.  In fact, this same (and only living God- Jer. 10:10) created the universe with words (Gen. 1) from His mouth that’s how powerful He is.  This same God took the time to form (yatsar- meaning to mould or squeeze into shape and implies using His hands) man out of the earth (Gen. 2:7) and plant him a garden (Gen. 2:8) to live in.  And that’s the same God who wants to come and live with us*.  Who me? Yes, you, and me, and anyone else who will invite Him in (Rev. 3:20).

Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honour and power: for thou hast created all things, and for thy pleasure (purpose, inclination) they are and were created.  Rev. 4:11
*for we are a temple of the living God; even as God said, I will dwell in them, and walk in them; and I will be their God, and they shall be my people. 2 Cor. 6:16 ASV

       You are significant, important, and valuable to the God who created the universe, so no matter how small your stature in all of creation, be at peace.  Look at the immensity of the universe, consider how small you are, but remember there is a God in heaven (Dan. 2:28) who has created you for a purpose (Rev. 4:11) and top of the list of your purpose is to walk with and dwell with Him.  How awesome is that?

Insignificant in the universe, but significant to Almighty God!
          Thank You Father!