and the One who walks with me on it.

Friday, June 15, 2012

Licorice Straws

       As I sit here munching on a piece of black licorice, it brings back memories of my childhood.  We didn’t have much candy growing up, but occasionally my Mom would buy red licorice because she liked to have a piece or two.  I don’t know who thought of it first, but we kids would bite off the ends of a piece and drink our milk through the licorice like it was straws.  (Now, I’m sure some of you think “that’s gross!” but I’ve tried it again as an adult and I still think it’s alright.  J )

       The best part about it for me was when the licorice would start getting really mushy on the inside of the ‘straw’ and more strawberry flavour would flow into my mouth.  The milk flowing through the inside of the licorice would begin to soften up the walls of the straw so that after a bit of time, minute particles of licorice flowed out with the milk.  The longer the milk remained inside the straw, the mushier it got, and the better the flavour.

       The Bible says, “Like newborn babies, thirst for the pure milk of the word so that by it you may grow in your salvation.(1Pt. 2:2)  We are to thirst for the Word because the more we drink, the more spiritually mature we will become and the more we will spread the Word we have learned.  It will help us: grow up (Eph. ,15), grow in grace and knowledge (2Pt. ), and increase faith (2Th. 1:3).  David said, “Thy word have I hid in my heart…” (Ps. 119:11)  He delighted in the word and thought about it day and night (Ps. 1:2). 

       Logically we can suggest that if we meditate day and night on the Word in which we delight, it will become lodged in our heart, and since the Bible says out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks (Lk. 6:45), then the Word will easily flow out in conversations in the world.  And like the licorice straws, the Word begins to soften and change the flavour of the world around us.  That’s why the scriptures talk about us being like salt (Mt. ), because salt brings out/ changes the flavour of whatever it’s put in.  Salt and licorice straws, both agents to change the world.

Let’s all be flavour changers in the world today.