and the One who walks with me on it.

Friday, August 22, 2014

Two Hours

       For the past two hours I have sat in front of this blank Word document trying to decide what to write about.  Of course I have a list of many topics from which I could choose, and the easiest way to make a decision is to ask the Lord, but the reality is there are a thousand things running through my mind and I can’t focus my attention into one direction.  No topic seems the right one.  No thought stands out.  Truth be told, I’d rather forget it today and just go to sleep.  It is just too much to think right now.

       So right into the midst of this ‘not knowing which way to go’ the Lord chooses to speak a word to me, His Word which directs me to a verse.  It is one I’ve known for years, understood deep down more than once, but this time it is fresh again, and the meaning hits home.

Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.  Jh. 14:27

       Before Jesus left the disciples he made a three chapter speech to his friends (Jh. 15:15) finishing with one chapter of prayer (18).  It was after telling them that He was leaving that He made one of the best verses for us to remember as we walk this journey called life.  Peace He leaves with us.  With us.  Not with someone else, but with us.  It’s a statement, not just a maybe.

       When that isn’t enough, He gives His peace to us.  That is the peace in the face of temptation, when mocked by family, during the storms of life, while being abandoned, persecuted, falsely accused, beaten, tortured and as He hung on the cross dying.  Jesus had true peace.  His peace He gives to us.

       In contrast, the world gives temporary peace, but to me, a better word is respite.  It is only ever a break of peace before troubles assaults us again; just long enough to make us remember that things can go right, just before the rug is pulled out from under our feet again.  Jesus promises true peace, peace that goes beyond man’s understanding and peace unlike the transitory peace of the world.  “And the peace of God which passes all understanding shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.”  (Php. 4:7)

       Let not your heart be agitated, troubled, inwardly disordered, uncalm, disquieted, anxious, distressed or perplexed.  Neither let it be timid or fearful.  Well, that first part about sums up my mind today.  Now I get why I can’t focus or think straight.  There is a lack of peace inside.  That lack of peace stems from lack of time in the presence of God wherein His peace resides- through Christ Jesus.  Not through the world, not through ourselves, not through the tv or relationships or books or technology or games or anything- only through Jesus.  Only His peace is true, lasing peace deep down so that even as our lives seem to be falling apart around our ears, we still have peace.

Peace beyond all understanding!