and the One who walks with me on it.

Friday, May 04, 2012

Childlike Excitement

       “Cover your eyes mommy, cover your eyes,” he cried, “I have a supise for you.”  He pulled my shirt forward, so with my eyes covered, and with a lot of quiet prayer, I followed after my very young son.  “K. Sit down. Don’t peek!”  When it was the right time, he pulled my hands off my eyes so I could see; only he was still standing right in front of me!  Looking around I noticed colours peeking from behind his head.

       “Honey, could you move so I can see better?”  He went over to his project, an outrageous building made of big, colourful Lego sitting on the floor, so that he could show me all the parts.  It wasn’t ‘pretty’ or even complete, but it had a massive tower, partially bending over, and he was just so proud of it.  I couldn’t help being excited at the marvelous job he had done.

       A similar childlike exhilaration is present almost every time I read the Word of God.  I just never know what new- old thing will ‘jump’ out at me, and that makes it new and fresh all the time.  It is interesting to note the person in the Bible who wrote the most often about the Word, was also considered by God to be a ‘man after my own heart, which shall fulfil all my will.’ (Acts )  David felt an excitement about the Word and about God who inspired the Word.  He wrote:

Open thou mine eyes, that I may behold wondrous things out of thy law.  Ps. 119:18
          Open- uncover 
             Behold- look intently at, regard with favor, have respect for
             Law- precepts, statutes

       Uncover my eyes so that I am no longer blind to the truth of the words I read that you have given to us oh Lord.  Allow me to see, study, chew on and consume those wonderful, life giving words so that they may plant themselves in my heart and in my spirit, and I may obey them all the days of my life.  How does God uncover our eyes?  First know that the unregenerate man (unbeliever) will struggle understanding the Word as the Spirit of God does not dwell within him (1Cor. ; 2Cor. ,16; Luke 24).  The Holy Spirit is given to us at salvation (Acts ) and He helps us understand the things freely given to us by God through teaching us.

Now we have received, not the spirit of the world, but the spirit which is of God; that we might know the things that are freely given to us of God. Which things also we speak, not in the words which man's wisdom teacheth, but which the Holy Ghost teacheth; comparing spiritual things with spiritual. 1Cor. ,13

Oh Lord, I pray for all believers- that You would open our eyes to behold the wondrous things out of thy Word.