and the One who walks with me on it.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

On the Return to Jerusalem

       Zack and Samuel walked down the road past dealers of Ferraris, Bagattis, and Porsches, but they didn’t see what they were looking for.  Down further they found Vipers, Hummers, and BMWs but still didn’t find what they wanted.  They walked on past the Saturns, convertibles, Jeeps, and Camaros until they found it.  There at the side of the next dealer’s building was a brand new Ford Focus. 

       The two men found the keys, got into it and started to drive it away.  Suddenly, the dealer was yelling through the windshield, “Hey, what do you think you’re doing?  Where are you going with my car?”  Samuel rolled down the window and said, “My teacher needs it” and they drove off the lot. 
(Sounds like there’s going to be a 911 call…)

       Something like this happened in Israel about 2000 years ago.  Jesus told two of His disciples to go get Him a colt and they did.  (Luke 19:28-34)  Two points always stick in my mind as just a little incredulous.  First, Jesus’ disciples did it no questions asked (not recorded anyway).  Who does that?  I’m pretty sure if my teacher tells me to go get him a vehicle, no matter how cheap it is, I’ll be asking him for the cash to buy it first.  Obviously the disciples had the faith to believe they would find that colt, and they would be allowed to take it; then they were brave enough to act on it.

       The second point is on the part of the owners, who hearing the Lord needed it, allowed the valuable colt to be taken.  I’m not sure on the protocol, if it was to be returned or not, but how many owners would allow that colt off their property knowing they may suffer a big loss?  They didn’t even call the cops!  It makes me wonder if they also believed in Jesus.

       There is a third obvious point in the story.  Jesus picked a ‘Ford Focus’ of transportation, a humble vehicle for a King to ride.  When I imagine an old time conquering king, he rides a magnificent stallion unparalleled in beauty.  Jesus chose a colt, but it was for a reason.  In Zach. 9:9 the King of the Jews was prophesied to return on the newly broken but un-ridden colt of a donkey.

       This was Jesus, always providing the needs of the people instead of their expected wants.  They wanted a literal ‘take over the country and restore the land to us’ King, not the humble Servant that would wash their feet and pour out His blood to save their souls.  They wanted a here and now deliverance and He gave them an eternal one instead.

       They were okay with Him being a little different (like riding the colt) as long as He met their essential expectations, but when He failed to accomplish that, the people rejected Him.  How awful they were…    wait…    um…    ah…    look in the mirror girl, how often have you rejected Him because He didn’t provide the expected miracle or deliverance you desired in your timing? 

Ouch!  I guess much hasn’t changed in 2000 years.