And the LORD said unto Joshua, Stretch out the spear that is in thy hand toward Ai; for I will give it into thine hand. And Joshua stretched out the spear that he had in his hand toward the city. For Joshua drew not his hand back, wherewith he stretched out the spear, until he had utterly destroyed all the inhabitants of Ai.
(Jos. 8:18,26)
The people of Israel had already defeated Jericho , and now they were taking on Ai. The Lord gave Joshua a fairly simple instruction- stretch out the spear in your hand toward Ai- with the promise that He would give them victory. Joshua had confidence in God, and trusted that He was able to give the victory, so for one who had seen so many miracles perhaps this simple task was not too difficult to do.

What would you say to those who asked you what you were doing? Would you continue when people started laughing at you or looking at you like you were sick in the head, and then when the news showed up to interview you? How long would you last? Worst of all, would you even attempt it if you weren’t quite sure it was God’s voice?
I question all the time. If my hand had a green light that would come on anytime the Lord was saying something to me, then I would know for 100% it was Him, but there is no such assurance. Instead, I must live with the uncertainty of wondering. It’s easy if what you hear goes against the Word because then you know it is not God for He will never void His Word. So, if it doesn’t go against the Word, you should do it right? Not so simple a matter anymore.
We have all our personal flaws that get in the way. For some, it may be a lack of trusting God to come through, for others a lack of boldness or feeling unworthy to serve Him. Some might be afraid of what others will think of them. For me, it is fear- fear of people getting hurt emotionally if I am wrong. There is enough pain and suffering in this world and I don’t want to be the cause of anymore. But… I have to remind myself that to not say or do what the Lord wants can also cause others to remain hurt, in pain, or in oppression.
It’s hard for me to admit these truths to others because it makes me feel exposed, but how will we ever improve if we aren’t honest? I wish I was 100% certain of the Lord’s voice all the time. I hope one day I will be and I pray for it often, but in the meantime, I have to do what I think He wants me to honouring that His Word says, ‘And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.’ (Rom. ) and trusting that He will use my words and actions on His behalf for good.
Remember Vicky it can be a simple matter,
Trust Him. Trust Him. Trust Him. Trust Him. Trust Him. Trust Him. Trust Him. Trust Him. Trust Him.