Whatever happened to mid week service?Why did it ‘die out’?In my teen years right up until my early thirties, I could count on going to church services Sunday morning (sometimes Sunday night as well) and once on Wednesday evening.It was like a mid-week pick up and helped me get through the week.Nowadays they have mid-week Bible studies or home groups.While I have no problem with either of those, they (for the most part) lack one important thing to me: the celebration and worship of my King in conjunction with other believers.
Now, there are plenty of opportunities to study my Bible, at home on my own and several at church as well.There are also many home groups that meet where there is Bible study, prayer and fellowship which are all vitally important.But still, I’ve yet to see a place to go where those who want to celebrate out Lord together can go for that mid-week pick up.* I even went through the internet and phone book, wrote out a page of churches with phone numbers, and called them all.
Out of all the ones who answered the phone (many didn’t answer or have answering machines) they all said either they didn’t have anything offered, or they had Bible studies and home groups.So, where’s a girl to go?I will continue to try the unanswered calls, and I’m going to keep looking and asking, so hopefully I will find one place in this city of over 300,000 where there is an actual mid-week service.
Really, I’d just like to get together with other Christians to worship our King.I’m not asking for much; the apostles/disciples got together daily in the Temple and met in homes every day often sharing communion, (Acts 5:42; 2:46) and I’m only asking for one night mid-week.Oh how I miss it!
*There is one church that has an actual service on Fridays which is a really bad day for me- and not good for a mid-week pick up anyway!
My brain is in a fog so bad today that I can’t even think to write- nothing is forming focused thought.Earlier, I heard about a young lady who passed away while speaking to her mom by cell during the last moments of her life.Life is precious, and we all need to value it.It isn’t always easy- sometimes it never is- it is filled with great pain and sorrow, but it also has moments of overwhelming love and joy.
We see horrible acts of cruelty, oppression and dishonesty at the hands of some, but we also see others giving of their time, effort, love, personal things, money, to give to those with deeper needs.Some even put their own lives in jeopardy to save other’s lives.Life is full of… well… life!And you and I will make of it what we choose to.You see, those in poor countries understand: it doesn’t matter what you have or don’t have, or what circumstances are happening around you, life is meant to be lived as fully as you can and it’s the people around you that are the real treasures of life.
It was early 1982 and I walked into the basement of my Catholic church on the main drag.My aunt had gotten me involved in the Catholic Charasmatic movement and I found out a few charasmatics attending my church met in the basement there once a week for a meeting.The first time I walked into the room, I knew it was different.The room felt alive, the people ‘charged up’ and what I saw in their eyes blew me away.
It was the love that seemed to be pouring out from their eyes that nearly knocked me off of my feet.They welcomed me, expressed their love with smiles and hugs, and made me feel totally comfortable.Though I can’t remember a single name, in my mind I can still see their beautiful faces.We would worship, have a brief teaching, and pray.Their love drew me to the Lord because I wanted what they had and for the first time in my life I felt loved.
Let me tell you, if people do not see the love of Jesus Christ in your eyes toward them, they will not be drawn to what you have in Him.For instance, I know a group of people who can’t understand why the downtrodden people living near their church don’t want Christ.Could it be that the poor people are seeing disrespectful and condescending attitudes instead of the love of Jesus in the members’ eyes?(I heard much said behind the scenes!)Love from the Father is pure, genuine, and sees no distinction in status.He doesn’t look on the outward man so neither should we. (1Sm. 16:7)
It was not long after I began attending those meetings that I heard the complete gospel message and gave my heart and life to the Lord Jesus Christ.That was over twenty years ago, and I can still ‘see’ the love in those charasmatics’ eyes when I picture them in my mind.The power of God’s love is irresistible.After all, isn’t love what most people truly desire in life?We all want to belong and be/ feel loved.
To be more like the Father we must spend more time in intimate communion with Him so that maybe the world will see His love shining out of our eyes.
A few minutes ago I had to return a call to my Mom.You would think it was a Laurel and Hardy routine as I tried verbally to figure out what she was saying and not saying.Phone calls to her these days tend to be very frustrating now that she is in her late 70’s.She is getting old, but then, so am I.The other day my sister and I were talking about our physical maladies so much we sounded like a couple of seniors though I am 44 and she is in her 50’s.It seems like a lot of middle aged people are feeling physically old these days.
All things tend to get old and when they do, they wear out (like jeans), wear down (like a car) or go bad (like the green looking meat in the container in my fridge).Sometimes we grow bored of movies we’ve seen too often or books we’ve read too much (can anyone say ‘The Cat in the Hat?’).Yet there is one thing that NEVER gets old- the Word of God.
Back when I was a child people found comfort in the scriptures.We still find comfort in those same scriptures today- as did the people of God 4000 years ago right up until now.How can words written so long ago have relevance and value in our lives today? Because the words in
the Bible are unlike any other book out there.
For the word of God is quick (to live/ alive), and powerful (active), and sharper than any twoedged sword, piercing (penetrating) even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.Heb.
All scripture is given by inspiration (divinely breathed) of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness:2Tim.
(Jesus said) Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words shall not pass away.Mat. 24:35
… word, which is able to save (save/ deliver/ protect) your souls (spirit).Jas. 1:21
If you want the abundant life that Jesus came to give, you’ve got to spend lots of time reading the living words in the Bible and getting to know the living (John 6:69) God of the Bible.Then the living words will cut and divide, heal and restore and actively transform your life and mind. (Rom. 12:2; 2Cor. )I’ll bet the authors, from Moses through to the apostles, never considered a young girl in 1983 being transformed by the words of the scriptures, but here I am a much different person than I was even in ’83.
The Lord has continually changed me through and by His living and powerful Word!
Did you ever feel like something was left undone?Today was not one of those days.I managed to get ready in time to bike to church.It only lightly sprinkled instead of pouring, the ride was warmer than I expected and the wind did not affect my ride.Then I changed into better clothes and was able to get into the library a few minutes before my shift to open up.It doesn’t flow much easier than that!
So it was after I had greeted and hugged many people that I realized my feeling that all was well and running smoothly was groundless as I looked down and found my fly undone.Moments after secretly solving my problem my fellow librarian pointed out that one of the buttons in the middle of my blouse was undone and then I noticed the bottom button was also undone.Ah, so all did not work out as smoothly as I thought it did!I guess we can’t really go by our feelings.
Perhaps I feel you hate me because of something I said or did.You might not even have noticed and therefore my feelings are based on my own false perceptions.Maybe I feel that I did a great job but in actuality I missed some important details (incomplete information).And how many spouses walk out on a marriage leaving the other spouse thinking, ‘I thought everything was fine…’Again, our feelings can be based on our false perceptions at the time or lack of pertinent/ complete information.
Undone buttons and zippers are a minor embarrassment, but there are times our feelings (based on false perceptions or incomplete information) can devastate us.At various times I have heard, “God must hate me because I can’t stop ______ing.”, “I am worthless”, “I just don’t feel God is here anymore.”, and “Nobody loves me.”We base these kinds of feelings on our own faulty perceptions.
You see, even if all other people fail us, God never will.Even when we can’t ‘see’ Him work in our lives, He is.Even when we can’t feel Him near us, He is always present.It is great to feel these things, but it is not necessary.With our false perceptions based on inaccurate information, it is no wonder the Bible says the heart is deceitful above all. (Jer. 17:9)
No matter what you and I feel, these truths remain:
Be strong and courageous.Do not be afraid or terrified because of them (enemies), for the Lord your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you.(Dt. 31:6) NIV
What then shall we say to these things? If God is for us, who is against us? He that spared not his own Son, but delivered him up for us all, how shall he not also with him freely give us all things? (Rom. ,32)
You know when I sit and when I rise; you perceive my thoughts from afar.You discern my going out and my lying down; you are familiar with all my ways.…Where can I go from your Spirit?Where can I flee from your presence?(Ps. 139:2,3,7) NIV
For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life. (John 3:16)