How do we obey His voice?
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How we sometimes listen to God. |
Well, this might seem a little obvious,
but first we have to get to know His voice.
That means we have to take time with Him and His Word and then be
willing to be quiet and let Him speak instead of us always doing the
talking. Notice that when we spend
enough time with a new friend and they call on the phone we will know their
voice. If we know them well enough they
can even try to disguise their voice, but we will still know.
Then we have to do what we read, and
what we hear Him tell us in the Word, in our quiet listening times, in His
voice through others, and in that ‘still small voice’ of the Spirit inside of
us. Obedience is easier than we
think. It is a matter of choosing to do
what He says not matter what we or others think. (To make sure it is His voice, it should not
contradict Scripture.) Sometimes our
continued disobedience makes it more difficult to hear His voice.
-…For Jehovah
shall greatly bless you in the land which Jehovah your God gives you for an inheritance to possess it only if you carefully listen to the voice of
Jehovah your God to be careful to do all these commandments which I command
you today. Dt. 15:4,5
-The doorkeeper
opens to him, and the sheep hear his
voice, and he calls his own sheep by
name and leads them out. And when he puts forth his own sheep, he goes before
them, and the sheep follow him. For they
know his voice. And they will not follow a stranger, but will flee from
him, for they do not know the voice of strangers. Jh. 10:3-5
-For He is
our God, and we are the people of His
pasture, and the sheep of His hand. Today if
you will hear His voice, harden not your heart… Ps. 95:7,8
What does it mean to hold fast to Him?
This is
the part that reminds me of that old song ‘Stuck on You’. These are the synonyms of the word for hold
fast- Hebrew-dawbak: impinge (to
fall against), cling, adhere, abide, follow close, be joined. So we are to adhere or stick to the
Lord. I imagine myself being coated with
adhesive and literally stuck to His side.
I also imagine that I wouldn’t be so selfish and disobedient if I was stuck
that way because (after all) He would see my actions for sure! (Common, we all thought that way at sometime,
didn’t we?)
One time
I was watching my son’s football game and there was this tiny player trying to
stop a massive teen running with the ball.
He grabbed hold of his leg about half way, and held on for dear life no
matter what the bigger boy did- right into the end zone. That’s me.
I’m going to hang onto Jesus come he_ _ or high water, because all life
is in Him, through Him, and with Him.
The Lord wants to be one with us, joined to us, to have us cling to Him
and follow Him. Scriptures prove it.
-And calling near the crowd with
His disciples, He said to them, Whoever will come after Me, let him deny
himself and take up his cross and follow
Me. Mr. 8:34
-that they
all may be one, as You, Father, are in
Me, and I in You, that they also may be
one in Us, so that the world may believe that You have sent Me. Jh. 17:21
-By this we know that we dwell in Him, and He in us, because He
has given us of His Spirit. 1Jh. 4:13 (dwell=meno-to stay, abide, continue, endure,
be present, remain)
-Draw near
to God, and He will draw near to you…
Jm. 4:8
-Where shall I go from Your Spirit? Or
where shall I flee from Your presence? Ps. 139:7
So let’s all adhere (stick) ourselves to Jesus and we’ll all
get that feeling down deep in our souls
that we just can’t