Saturday, January 18, 2014
Thursday, January 16, 2014
Are You Adjusting to the Darkness?- Part 2
(Please read the statement of Part 1. I felt it important that as many people read this article as possible.)
Pastor Troy D Bohn
They have "cherry picked" a few scriptures out of context that appeal to the flesh, but do absolutely nothing in regards to transforming the spirit! They just "adjust to the darkness." What about the next verse in 1st John Chapter 1
"If we walk in the light as He is in the light...the blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanses us from all sin."
What if we don't walk in the light then? Simple—the Blood of Jesus will not cleanse us from all sins!
You can join any church that you want to join! You can get yourself dipped, dunked, sprinkled, confirmed and blessed. You can do the Walk to Emmaus, the Purpose Driven Life, or do three Hail Mary's and five Our Father's —but if your life is not reflective of the Glorious, Transforming, and Holy Word of the LIVING GOD—then you are a LIAR and you do not know the TRUTH!
When the Apostles of Old penned the words that we call the Bible under the direct influence of the Holy Spirit, they did so with the expectancy that those who read these sacred writings would see, live and experience the same type of walk that they did.
They PREACHED a message of HOLINESS because they LIVED the message of HOLINESS.
They PREACHED a message with POWER because they LIVED a message of POWER!
They PREACHED a message of BOLDNESS because they LIVED a message of BOLDNESS!
What message are you living? Or have you just simply stepped out of the light and "adjusted to the darkness?"
The thing about "adjusting to the darkness" is that you are able to convince yourself that you can still see!
Sure, the detail is lacking and you may have to squint to make out something, but at least you are not totally blind! Sin is okay with allowing you to live the illusion of light just as long as you never step into the light!
I am asking all of you who are reading this to ask yourself the same thing that I am having to ask myself every single day as I expose myself to the light of God's Word: "Holy Spirit please have mercy upon me and reveal to me any area where I have adjusted to the darkness."
Job 34:21-22 declares, "His eyes are on the ways of men; he sees their every step. There is no dark place, no deep shadow, where evildoers can hide."
It is time to raise the standard and walk in the measure of Light that the Lord Jesus has revealed to us through His death, burial and resurrection and cease from the deceitful snare of "adjusting to the darkness."
Amen brother, well done and so true!
Pastor Troy D Bohn
They have "cherry picked" a few scriptures out of context that appeal to the flesh, but do absolutely nothing in regards to transforming the spirit! They just "adjust to the darkness." What about the next verse in 1st John Chapter 1
"If we walk in the light as He is in the light...the blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanses us from all sin."
What if we don't walk in the light then? Simple—the Blood of Jesus will not cleanse us from all sins!
You can join any church that you want to join! You can get yourself dipped, dunked, sprinkled, confirmed and blessed. You can do the Walk to Emmaus, the Purpose Driven Life, or do three Hail Mary's and five Our Father's —but if your life is not reflective of the Glorious, Transforming, and Holy Word of the LIVING GOD—then you are a LIAR and you do not know the TRUTH!
When the Apostles of Old penned the words that we call the Bible under the direct influence of the Holy Spirit, they did so with the expectancy that those who read these sacred writings would see, live and experience the same type of walk that they did.
They PREACHED a message of HOLINESS because they LIVED the message of HOLINESS.
They PREACHED a message with POWER because they LIVED a message of POWER!
They PREACHED a message of BOLDNESS because they LIVED a message of BOLDNESS!
What message are you living? Or have you just simply stepped out of the light and "adjusted to the darkness?"
The thing about "adjusting to the darkness" is that you are able to convince yourself that you can still see!
Sure, the detail is lacking and you may have to squint to make out something, but at least you are not totally blind! Sin is okay with allowing you to live the illusion of light just as long as you never step into the light!
I am asking all of you who are reading this to ask yourself the same thing that I am having to ask myself every single day as I expose myself to the light of God's Word: "Holy Spirit please have mercy upon me and reveal to me any area where I have adjusted to the darkness."
Job 34:21-22 declares, "His eyes are on the ways of men; he sees their every step. There is no dark place, no deep shadow, where evildoers can hide."
It is time to raise the standard and walk in the measure of Light that the Lord Jesus has revealed to us through His death, burial and resurrection and cease from the deceitful snare of "adjusting to the darkness."
Amen brother, well done and so true!
Wednesday, January 15, 2014
article is NOT mine, but is the most excellent I have ever seen on this
topic. Since I could not do as well and
the page had no copyright, I copied it here for all to read because links
sometimes fail to continue to work.
Originally in one page I will break it up into two parts. Please consider it closely. Also on their website is another excellent
and wonderful article called ‘revive the fire’ that I think every
Christian should read.
Are You Adjusting to the Darkness- Part 1
"If we say that we have fellowship with Him, and walk in darkness, we lie and do not practice the truth."
1 John 1:6
What is the first thing that you see when someone turns off the lights in the room that you are in? The answer is easy: you see darkness.
What about after two or three minutes of standing in the darkness? What do you see now? Do things appear as dark as they initially were when the lights were first turned off?
What happens is that the longer that you are in the darkness, the more that you will adjust to the absence of light. It will appear as though things are lighter or brighter but in reality they are just as dark as they were to begin with.
I am deeply concerned for the Body of Christ. My heart breaks as I see so many individuals and so many churches adjusting to the darkness around them while sincerely believing that they are walking in the light.
What was unacceptable behavior a few years ago is now seen as common place in the ranks of the modern church. Instead of desiring to be "Holy as He is Holy" we have instead adjusted and adapted to the darkness of sin and compromise in the name of being relevant.
Somehow the idea has slipped in that we need to imitate the world in order to win them to Jesus. What happened to imitating Jesus in order to win them to Jesus?
The "Seeker Sensitive" movement has really become the "Sin Sensitive" movement as people have learned to walk in the dark and think that they are in the light. They have adjusted to the darkness and are under the delusion that God is pleased with their carnality!
The Apostle John was dealing with a group of Christian who had been convinced that their lukewarm version of Christianity was an acceptable form of faith. John quickly and sharply addressed this issue and called it like he saw it, "If we say that we have fellowship with (Jesus) and walk in darkness, we lie and do not practice the truth."
The fellowship that he spoke of was the koinonia or intimate communion that the faithful believer should expect to enjoy. This intimacy can only be attained and maintained when there is a constant fidelity to the Lord.
But if we "claim" to have that type of life-transforming and righteousness producing fellowship—but have adjusted to the darkness –then the Word of God calls our claim into question.
What does it mean to "walk in darkness" anyway? The Greek word that John uses here is the word skotos and Thayer's defines it as such:
1. Used of night darkness
2. Used of darkened eyesight or blindness
3. Used of ignorance in regards to the human duty towards divine things, which is then accompanied by immorality and ungodliness resulting in the eternal misery of hell.
Wow! That should chill anyone to the bone who is not in the desperate pursuit of he will of God.
Almost every single person that I meet and minister to on the streets of America lay claim to some type of salvation experience.
They say things like, "Go talk to someone that really needs it, I am already going to heaven." All the while they are looking and acting exactly like the world that Jesus died to save us from!
Someone, somewhere gave them a version of the Word that had been adjusted to the darkness. A mother, or aunt or preacher or Sunday school teacher convinced them that the only thing that God required out of them for salvation was a meaningless and fruitless prayer that neither changed them nor saved them!
They have believed the lie and as a result they have become liars! They failed to give them the full counsel of God and instead have reduced the CRIMSON BLOOD OF JESUS to a more palatable PASTEL PINK!
Tuesday, January 14, 2014
Let the Buyer Beware
Many years
ago we had a little, brown Chevette, a great car that put up with a lot of
driving, at least one trip through the Rockies including
a road up a mountain for four wheel drive only, and travel back and forth to
work for years. Then one day it gave up
the ghost (too much to fix).
Anyway, we
decided to try and find another like it since it was such a great car. We went to a dealer with a supposed good
reputation who was also a supposed Christian, and we believed what he told us
about the car. A few months later, the engine blew and we could not afford to
fix it, but we figured out a solution.
We learned a
lesson or two after that. Many people
subscribe to the quote ‘buyer beware’ thinking it’s okay to scam buyers because
they are supposed to examine the item with due diligence, whether it be
electronics, cars, houses or anything else.
(Personally, I think the seller should just be honest and not try to
cheat people, lie, or cover up damage etc.)
In the end, buyers get burned, lose out in time and/or money, lose faith
in people, or end up afraid to make any big purchases again.
Sometimes I think some real Christians are just as bad
(unintentionally of course).
We want
people to be saved and go to Heaven, so we tell them how wonderful the Savior
and the Father are, how great it is to belong to a body of believers and how
God will meet our needs, but we neglect to tell them the other side. Like how you may lose some friends, or will
still go through troubles that God may not deliver you out of, that sickness may
still kill and finances still crumble, how people at church may not even say hi,
may make you feel left out and not everyone is nice…
This leaves new
Christians reaching a crisis (and sometimes they don’t even have someone to
help them through it) all because they were led to believe only the positive
side of salvation instead of the complete truth. Mind you, we don’t have to tell them
everything because that would take too long, but we should at least mention
some of it, shouldn’t we?
I just wanted
to put my thinking out there… What if
instead of only the good stuff we say before their final decision something
like: life’s still going to be difficult
sometimes and believers will still make mistakes, but we have someone to go
through the troubles with us who will never leave us or forsake us and who
keeps working on all His children their whole lives… Maybe then their first crisis won’t feel so
bad, they won’t lose faith or be afraid of what’s coming next… maybe.
For I did not keep back from declaring to you all the
counsel of God.
Ac. 20:27
Sunday, January 12, 2014
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Some say I'm like Dory! |
Okay, I don’t
know what’s going to come out of the weird space that is my head right now, but
we’ll see where it goes. I fell asleep
around 7:30 pm and woke up about 45
min. ago only to keep falling asleep at the computer. Good thing God doesn’t fall asleep like
I guess He
wouldn’t be God if He did since He knows everything and sees everything both of
which you can’t do if you are sleeping.
When the movie ‘Finding Nemo’ came out, I went to see it in the
theaters. It was probably about twenty
minutes in that I fell asleep. It
happened again the next two times I tried to watch the movie at home. The kids would talk about different funny
scenes, this group of turtles, and repeat some of the movie lines all of which
I missed in my slumber.
will lift up my eyes to the hills. Where shall my help come from? My help comes from Jehovah, who made Heaven and earth. He
will not allow your foot to be moved; He who keeps you will not slumber.
Behold, He who keeps Israel
shall neither slumber nor sleep.
Jehovah is
your keeper; Jehovah is your shade on
your right hand. The sun shall not strike you by day, nor the moon by night.
Jehovah shall keep you from all evil; He shall keep your soul. Jehovah shall
keep your going out and your coming in from this time forth, and even
forevermore. Ps. 121:1-8
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Glad God doesn't do this! |
Our help
comes from the One who watches over us (our personal watchman) day and
night. He doesn’t need sleep, so He can
(keep) ‘stand guard’ over us. He will not
fall asleep on the job, let down His guard or leave us vulnerable to the enemy,
but will continue to guard over us throughout the ‘dark times’ of the night. He won’t drift off and miss important things
when He’s tired because He doesn’t slumber.
He shades us in the daytime during our
‘siestas’ so that the sun can not strike us / harm us. In fact, His guarding over us doesn’t stop during
the daylight hours, but continues all day long.
He is our keeper: He guards our soul from the enemy. That doesn’t mean we can’t go through tough
times for tough times are promised by the Lord (Jh. 16:33), but that the enemy will never have victory over
us. He can’t. Victory is the Lord’s (1Cr. 15:57).
…In the world you shall have tribulation, but be of
good cheer.
I have overcome the world.
Jh. 16:33
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