Less than 1
out of 5 ‘born again’ (over 23 yrs) adults have Biblical worldview. This means that only one in five ‘born again’
see the world through the truths of the Bible.
Is it any surprise then that the stats for kids are even worse? For ages 18 to 23, less than one half of one
percent (.5%) has a Biblical
• that absolute
moral truth exists
• that the
Bible is completely inerrant
• that Satan is
a real being, not symbolic
• that a person
cannot earn their way into the kingdom
of God though good works
• that Jesus
Christ lived a sinless life on earth
• that God is
the supreme Creator of the heavens
and the earth and reigns over the whole
universe today
Now, with those simple statements above reread the stats
on adults and kids.
* * * * * *
Our kids
spend an average of 30 hours per week in public schools where they teach
whether overtly or covertly: moral relativism, evolution, homosexual acts
as acceptable, there are no absolutes, sexual promiscuity is okay- just be
careful, a fetus is not a baby, do what pleases you, you can do anything you
want, etc
Our kids
spend an average of 30 hours per week in front of a TV screen watching sexually
suggestive or lewd commercials, sexualized sitcoms, Christian bashing, morally
brainwashing (today’s values, ethics and morals), that make bad attitudes, morals,
work ethics, and speech funny and even acceptable.
Most kids
spend an additional average of 20 hours per week connecting with friends online
chatting, posting, or playing video games.
In this I also include searching online for funny posters with
interesting pictures and words, where they are bombarded with commercialism at
its finest.
In contrast,
the average time spent by a kid (per week) under Biblical teaching in a church is 45
minutes. Is it any wonder our kids don’t
have a Biblical worldview? Also, is it
any wonder nearly 75 percent of Christian young people leave the church after
high school?
So, what are we doing about it?
And these words that I command you today shall be on
your heart.
You shall teach them diligently to your children,
and shall talk of them when you sit in your house,
and when you walk by the way,
and when you lie down,
and when you rise.
Dt. 6:6,7 ESV