In the original
Star Trek with Captain Kirk, there was a Vulcan character named Spock. He and Scotty were my favorite characters on
that show. Scotty was the friendly
engineer and Spock was the logical, emotionless second in command. He used to hold his hand up a particular way
(when greeting or leaving) and say ‘Live long and prosper.’ I don’t actually know why Vulcans say that,
but I quickly practiced the hand sign.
It’s kind of
funny because for Spock to say it (if he was real) it would be more of speaking
a blessing since no person can make that kind of thing occur. We can’t make anyone live longer. We can’t make anyone prosper- not
really. Perhaps we can help them, but to
actually make them flourish? Nope. We have no special powers or abilities to make
it happen with our limited human strength.
But there is One who can do as He pleases for He is all powerful.
…For the Lord God omnipotent reigns! Rv. 19:6
For with God nothing shall be impossible. Lk. 1:37

…My purpose shall stand, and I will do all My
pleasure; Is. 46:10
Our God is in the heavens; he does all that he
pleases. Ps. 115:3 ESV
The fear of Jehovah prolongs days… Pr. 10:27
And if you will walk in My ways… then I will lengthen
your days. 1Kn. 3:14
As for
prospering, I don’t believe for a minute Spock meant financially. Money isn’t anything but a means to do things
that God may want done. I would rather
prosper (flourish) in all areas of my life: relationships, health, fruits of
the Spirit, spiritual life, mental state, abilities and gifts, etc. Only the Lord can redeem us from this sick
and dying world (world system) to bring us true/ godly/ abundant/ prosperous
…Let the LORD be magnified, which hath pleasure in
the prosperity of his servant. Ps. 35:27 KJV
(Jesus said) …I have come so that they might have
life, and that they might have it more
abundantly. Jh. 10:10
…Jehovah made all he did to prosper in his hand. (Joseph) Gn. 39:3

Eternal life
with God forever is certainly living long.
And when I consider my life, it is so rich in spiritual treasures that I
wouldn’t give that up for any gold or silver.
Life with God is the BEST!
Live long and prosper in the Lord, with the Lord, through
the Lord my friends!