We don’t usually take a walk together as
a family anymore. If we did it would
look like we weren’t even together anyway.
My son would take the lead with his long legs and fast stride. No matter how many times we asked him to slow
down, it’s just not in his body to do so.
Next would be me walking faster but nowhere near my son especially since
my legs are not as long. Behind me would
be my hubby and daughter who walk about the same pace and stride though I’m
sure he slows down for her a bit… or maybe it’s the other way around!
There are a few things that
happen when you are walking but not quite together.
It makes it difficult to
communicate. Sentences are completely
missed because of the distance apart. Or
if you are a little closer together but not by their side, the traffic noise causes
some words to me missed. This makes it
harder to learn more about each other.
You lose touch with what is going on in the other person’s life, and may
miss out on their advice or what instructions they have for you to follow.
And Enoch walked
with God, and then he was not, for God
took him. Gn. 5:24
By faith Enoch was
translated so as not to see death, and
he was not found, because God had translated him; for before his translation he
had this testimony, that he pleased God. Hb. 11:5
And Enoch, the seventh from Adam, also prophesied to
these, saying, Behold, the Lord came with myriads of His saints, to do judgment
against all, and to rebuke all the ungodly of them concerning all their ungodly
works which they ungodly did, and concerning all the hard things ungodly
sinners spoke against Him. Jude 1:14,15
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I love the enjoyment in their faces as they walk together! |
Enoch walked
with God; not in front of Him, or behind Him, but with Him, beside Him- in sync
with Him. This is important because it
meant Enoch was in communication with the Lord, and it would have been
clear. They would be able to hear each
other fine, know what’s going on in life, and Enoch would have heard the Lord’s
advice and instructions. Enoch surely
lived in agreement with the Lord: “Can two walk together unless they are
agreed?” (Am. 3:3)
We see that as
Enoch walked with God, He prophesied to the unbelievers concerning the Lord, stepping
out in faith to do the work God wanted Him to do. He didn’t teach the easy to hear things, but
the truth about what would happen if they didn’t walk right. So it was at the age of 365 years, Enoch
having pleased God, was translated to Heaven to be with God (meaning Enoch did
not die to go there).
I’m only 46 and it feels like I struggle to walk with
God. I can’t imagine living that long
and staying in sync with God as I walk this journey. I only hope one day I shall have the same
testimony that Enoch had- Vicky walked with God and pleased Him.
Oh glorious and mighty Lord, please help me!