Before we set off on our anniversary trip, we went through many brochures and websites to find the things we wanted to see. One of the places looked charming, but I wasn't sure if we should take the time out as we only had four days and so much to see. And so it was, on our way down to the town we would reside in, we stopped in a little town called Orville, OH to see the Smucker's store.
I think that people are like the Smucker's store. (Okay, some of us don't look that cute, but...) It's like we look one way on the outside and so people set their expectations based on how we look, but yet, we can be very different on the inside. For example, some people thought I looked snotty as a kid, but inside I was very shy and fearful. As a result, they never got to see the cool, awesome, colourful things in me. And just like the store carries all of it's brands, I have many facets of my persona, plus, inside me there are unique treasures to be found.
A few years ago I heard a wise young lady say to another young lady, 'You're unique and special just like everyone else.' God created each of us to be unique. He thinks each of us is special. So what she said is true; we are each unique and special just like everyone else.
Me and my special friend!!! |
And God said, Let Us make man in Our image, after Our likeness... Gn. 1:26
-each of us are made in His image.
Now you are the body of Christ and individually members of it. 1Cr. 12:27 ESV
-God is okay with us being individuals, so shouldn't we be?
Keep me as the apple of your eye... Ps. 17:8 ESV
-apple or center. In the middle of His sight. We keep a close eye on those we love.
...Jehovah your God has chosen you to be a special people to Himself... Dt. 7:6
-Not just for the Jews because Christians are the seed of Abraham. (Gl. 3:7,29)
-each of us are made in His image.
Now you are the body of Christ and individually members of it. 1Cr. 12:27 ESV
-God is okay with us being individuals, so shouldn't we be?
Keep me as the apple of your eye... Ps. 17:8 ESV
-apple or center. In the middle of His sight. We keep a close eye on those we love.
...Jehovah your God has chosen you to be a special people to Himself... Dt. 7:6
-Not just for the Jews because Christians are the seed of Abraham. (Gl. 3:7,29)
We all look however we look, but inside are colourful and interesting facets, talents, skills, etc. that make friendship with us desirable. That is why we need to stop judging people based on their outside looks and treating them how we think they are. We need to make effort and give time to truly get to know them.
Just imagine the great treasures we may find in unexpected places!
As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God's varied grace: 1Pt. 4:10 ESV
-each of us has gifts differing from one person to the next
Do not judge according to sight, but judge righteous judgment. Jh. 7:24
But Jehovah said to Samuel, Do not look on his face, nor on his height... For man looks on the outward appearance, but Jehovah looks on the heart. 1Sm. 16:17