and the One who walks with me on it.

Friday, October 07, 2011

A Man of Good Character

       Our kids attended the same youth program for a few years but we had never really had the time to speak.  It was a warmish day when we met outside the store in the parking lot and struck up a conversation about our kids.  As we were about to get on with our separate days he walked over to put away a cart from the parking spaces that I knew wasn’t his since he had walked to his car with his groceries in his hands.  The funny thing was, he was almost apologetic mumbling something about it being in his way earlier, and I was too surprised by his actions to say anything.

       I am a people watcher.  I have been since I was a very young child too shy to actually interact with others.  Daily I notice people walking by ignoring that which could easily be put away, thrown out, fixed, helped, in other words not going out of their way- even just a little- to make the world a better place.  Sometimes it only takes seconds, yet most people will pass by the opportunity.  Why is that?  We are so consumed in our own little world that we take no notice of what is around us.

       Over the years I had already observed that this man was trustworthy, respectful of others and responsible.  Seeing him put away a cart that was not his responsibility, not only willingly, but without any negative attitude finalized my opinion on the kind of man he really is: a man of good character.

       We don’t hold much stock in ‘good character’ today, but that is a shame.  I think it is important for all of us, especially those redeemed by the blood of Jesus, to be people of quality character.  Here is what the schools teach about a person of good character:

     -Is a good person, someone to look up to and admire.
     -Knows the difference between right and wrong and always tries to do what is right.
     -Sets a good example for everyone.
     -Makes the world a better place.
     -Lives according to the Six Pillars of Character:
       trustworthiness, respect, responsibility, fairness, caring and good citizenship.

       A person’s character is often hidden from the visible eye; intangible qualities lie deep within a person’s being and are like an inbuilt moral compass.  Character, is a learned behaviour and reflects someone’s attitudes and values.  The good news is, though it is not always easy, we can all strive to be a person of good character, or to be a better person.

The Bible is chock full words that encourage us to improve our character.
Perhaps we could try it.