and the One who walks with me on it.

Friday, July 08, 2011

The Dream

      The sunny warmth made my weary eyes close as I lay relaxing on the deck by the pool.  Just a few moments later, they opened and I found myself sitting in a room so full of people that they could not be counted.  At first glance, it seemed they were every shape and size, every age and colour.  People were sitting in lines of chairs placed behind platforms at the front.  The platforms had large opaque window like structures attached to them.

      As I looked around I was a little jealous of the hundred or so people in front of me.  It was obviously going to be quite a wait for me.  Finally, after many minutes, or even hours- of which I am not quite sure- the first person in each of the lines walked up onto the platform and stood on the opposite side of the opaque windows.  Suddenly, a dazzling light, brighter than any I had ever seen in my life shone in front of them and as we watched, their lives were revealed on the screens we sat in front of.  Each of us could see as clearly as if we were within a few feet of the screen.

      We briefly saw the great and wonderful things he had done during his life.  Then the scenes changed and we saw some of them again, this time with his thoughts displayed on the screen for all to see.  Moments of time: when he walked by people needing help but didn’t think them worth it, ignoring his child’s plea for his time because he’d rather golf, times he said he’d pray but didn’t, and hidden times when he sat looking at indecent material on the internet.  Seeing what he was thinking during each act was the scariest part.  Finally the first people got off the platform and went to sit near the back.

      Dozens of people went up in my line, and as the dazzling light shone on them, it showed how we normally saw them, and then those things they kept hidden from society were displayed.  Hatred, stealing, lying, envy, adultery, greed, pride, doing good only for gain of wealth, prestige or power and on and on.  Each time we saw their motives through their thoughts.

      About twenty people ahead of me I saw my friend from church step up.  She had always been so kind to me even when others misunderstood.  That’s what I thought until I saw that she was motivated in doing so- and in other good works- to catch the eye of the pastor and win his praise.  The next up was the scary lady at the back of the church who stared at people as they walked by creeping them out.  Who knew that she was praying for us all as we walked past ignoring her.  We saw times of deep depression and despair as she dealt with grievous loss in her life.

      The fifth person ahead of me was old pastor Joe who retired after 50 years.  Surely there would be little wrong we would see.  What I saw was unexpected and disappointing.  Was there no one who was exempt from the shameful moments displayed?  Abruptly a horrifying thought came to my mind: I would be up shortly.  Next was the mayor, then the store clerk.  Panic set in.  People would soon see who I really was…

       Finally the man just ahead of me went up and I really, really wished I was the last person in line and everyone else would be gone, but I knew that would not be the case.  I broke out in a cold sweat.  As I watched the man’s life I pondered my many shameful thoughts and motives.  As he stepped down my body moved forward and my heart felt like it had fallen through the floor.  Oh God, what have I done!  My body proceeded in front of the screen and I came face to face with the dazzling light…

      My eyes opened and the sun was high in the sky as I lay in the lounger by the pool.  I was very grateful to realize the last few timeframes of my life had been a dream.  I turned over and opened my Bible hoping to find peace:

First attempt:
      This illustrates the fact that someday everything [in men’s hearts] shall be brought to light and made plain to all. (Luke TLB)

Second attempt:
      So be careful not to jump to conclusions before the Lord returns as to whether someone is a good servant or not.  When the Lord comes, he will turn on the light so that everyone can see exactly what each one of us is really like, deep down in our hearts. Then everyone will know why... (1 Cor. 4:5 TLB)

Third attempt:
      But those doing right come gladly to the Light to let everyone see that they are doing what God wants them to. (John TLB)

I closed my Bible and wept.

John 12:46- Jesus states, "I am come a light into the world, that whosoever believeth on me may not abide in the darkness." KJV