It was by the end of my typical morning rush of kids, breakfast, driving and exercising. I walked into the kitchen, my tummy rumbling with hunger, and I noticed dirty dishes still stacked on the counter from yesterday when I wasn’t home, recycling that needed to be dealt with, a mess on the dining table that needed clearing, and I realized I had spent no quality time with the Lord yet. Today, my choice was based on a different rumbling in me, namely hunger in my spirit; so I turned and went into the living room with my Bible. After that, I stopped hearing the rumbling in my stomach.
BUT… that’s not the way we are suppose to live. Jesus came to give abundant life, not life filled with regret and guilt. When we have made a poor choice, we can find forgiveness in Jesus Christ- 1 John 1:9. Then when the next choice comes up and we hear that little voice inside of us saying, “Why bother! What’s one right decision gonna do for you? It’s only one decision. Just give it up.! Don’t bother trying!” we can remember we are forgiven. The most important choice we can make at that point is to ignore the voice.
One step at a time, one choice at a time; let us not think we need to be perfect right off the bat. We should realize we are ‘being perfected’ by the One who is perfect- 2 Cor. . We all ought to keep trying until we ‘get it right’, and not look back at our past choices- Luke 9:62. And step by step perhaps the scale will tip heavier on the ‘good choices’ side.
Lord, You say, “…seek ye first the kingdom of God …”- Matt. . Help us all to seek You first in every choice, and failing that, remind us to never give up trying.